Chapter 8: Understanding

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V continued to stare at you with an unreadable expression. You looked back at him, unwavering. His face was a little softer than before, but he still seemed to be holding something back. A few raindrops landed on his smooth skin, rolling down his cheeks.

Finally, V spoke. "This is really difficult, now.." He said quietly.

"I know. It's a bit of a mess, hm?" you gave a small laugh. "It's okay though, it's really not a big deal. Things will get worked out."

He frowned at your light heartedness. "..Shouldn't you hate me right now?"

"Hate you? No, not at all. That would be unfair." You replied simply. Somehow, despite the embarrassment you'd felt before, you felt a weight was off your shoulders. Talking to V, you wanted to just forgive him and move on.

The rain had taken a turn now, and began falling much harder, pattering on the rooftops and pavement. You felt the cool water hitting you, some drops running down the back of your neck.

Looking up, V let out a short sigh, putting up his hood. To your surprise, he then took off the jacket he was wearing over his hoodie, and walked forwards, closing the distance between you. You stood still as he reached over and gently covered you with the jacket, placing it snugly over your head and shoulders. He was so close you could hear his breathing. You couldn't deny that your heart was racing, a nervousness coming over you.

He stepped back a little. "Come on, let's go. No use standing in the rain."

Seemingly on instinct he lifted a hand out to you, but quite suddenly retracted it on second thought, stuffing his hands in his pockets and starting to walk down the side street.

Giving small smile, you hugged his jacket closer to you and followed after him.

You walked close behind him for a little while. Though you didn't exchange any words, you noticed him glancing back at you every now and then. You followed him along a few streets until you were in an area you didn't recognise, where V turned into a 2 tier concrete car park. Thankful for some shelter from the rain, you moved his jacket down so it rested on your shoulders as he lead the way to the back corner, through a rusted metal door and up some stairs.

You came to an open section of worn concrete that ran along the side of the car park building, like a little cut-out in the side. V walked along a little then sat down against the graffiti covered wall, facing the open space.

You joined him a little timidly, sitting to his right, keeping his jacket around you. The view in front of you was quite breathtaking. From your position on the second floor you overlooked the residential area ahead, which sloped down slightly, giving you a view for a fair distance. Through the rain you could see the looming skyscrapers of the centre of the city to the left, and ahead on the horizon the clouds weren't as dense, splitting to reveal the sun low in the sky, about to set. The combination of the warm colours of the sun and the rain over the city was beautiful.

"I like to come here sometimes. The stairs go up further to the roof, but since the weather's bad.." V said, the first break in the silence for a while.

You smiled, enjoying the view and the sound of the rain. "I can see why, it's strangely peaceful."

After a long pause, V spoke again. "Once when it was dark me and Jungkook took firecrackers to the roof, and I burnt my hand with some matches," he said absent mindedly, playing with a small stone in his hand and smiling to himself as he thought of the memory.

You gave a small laugh, and turned your head to look at him. He didn't seem intimidating now, just a little mysterious. Feeling your gaze, he looked back at you, smiling uncertainly upon seeing your expression.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just, that's the first time I've seen you properly smile when I'm around." You laughed.

"Ah," he looked down at the stone in his hand, "is that so?"

You coughed awkwardly, slightly worried it had been too soon to make a joke about it. V clearly felt guilty, and seemed unsure as to how to patch things up.

"I'm sorry." He said, looking out at the sun as it moved lower down the sky. "I haven't even said that much yet... But I am sorry."

You turned your head to look at him again, taking in his profile; from his hair slightly matted from the rain to his eyelashes, smooth nose, soft lips and defined jaw.

He continued. "You know the story behind it, but.. I acted stupidly. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I just... I was so worried it'd be the same as last time, and it was frustrating when the other members acted like I was crazy." He shook his head with a smile, "but I guess I was crazy, huh?"

You smiled. "Nah, you're not crazy," you reassured.

"No?" Now V turned his head to meet your gaze. "Then why is it I just can't stop thinking about you?"

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