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"Please do not mistake sensitivity for weakness."

By Anais Nin.

Hawk, Colorado

I don't think I've ever felt so loved upon returning home. It was strange...it was as if I went off to war and returned home a hero—in a way, I guess, I did go to war and I came back victorious. My eyes were open to so many things—things seemed clearer, like, the little details in our everyday lives were in plain view now, and I never appreciated them so much.

It may sound cheesy but it was what was real.

The former Alpha and Luna were keen on throwing a pack party to celebrate the ending of my journey and the return of a new, stronger Skye Bellemore. I thought it was excessive and politely declined—I was tired and I didn't want to waste resources on a party. They didn't look upset with my opinion and just respected that after four years, I just wanted to chill out and relax.

It felt so good to be back home...I didn't realize how much I missed home until now.

I was lying on my bed with Julian on my chest, sleeping. Kuma was curled up at my side and sleeping, as usual. Emma had to run off to do some errands with my parents and I eagerly offered to baby-sit my nephew. He was a healthy, curious pup and he was gorgeous. He looked like his father but had his mother's eyes and hair color, he couldn't have been more perfect, to be honest.

Of course, he was spoiled to hell, but that was to be expected when you were the first-born Bellemore pup.

There was something that had been bothering me since I got home—everyone noticed my scent change because the moment I got off the plane...all of their faces were shocked and they were so stunned, they were silent. No one knew what to think and it made me nervous.

There was something...odd about their refusal to make a comment on my scent change. I guess a part of me was kinda happy they didn't freak out but I knew sooner or later, someone would ask about my scent change. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell my family about my meeting with the Moon Goddess just yet. I knew it was kinda wrong to keep something so important from them but, I don't know...something told me to just wait.

I stroked Julian's little back and he snuggled closer to my face with a soft snore.

I smiled tenderly and wondered how something can be so...tiny. He was growing everyday and he was nearing almost two years of age. He was speaking already and super curious about the world around him—Daniel teasing that he got my big, curious brain. My father boasted that Julian would be a very intelligent wolf when he was older.

When I arrived...I was disappointed that I didn't see Deon among the sea of familiar faces. I tried not to let it get to me but it did...did I do something? Did I say something wrong in one of my letters or did I take too long to reply to one of his letters? Did he get tired of waiting for me? I shook the thoughts away, no, Deon wouldn't be so selfish.

He was probably busy, my wolf mumbled softly. Her almost lilac eyes flashing in my mind—the color of her eyes a sign of being blessed by the Moon Goddess. It reminded me that if I ever transformed with anyone around...that they would see my wolf's pink eyes and know I was blessed.

I wanted to keep it a secret just because of the warning the Moon Goddess gave me.

Julian whimpered in his sleep and I gently patted his back and he ceased his noise making for the time being. He would wake up soon and be hungry I just know it because the toddler had been asleep for some time now. I was too comfortable to even move and had my TV mindlessly on.

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