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"You stabbed me and then pretended you were the one who was bleeding." 

by unknown.

I was allowed to go to school Monday without my Lycan pup. The Alpha and Luna informed me that my pup should be at my home after school and that training sessions would start in the evening. If I were to leave, I would leave with my trainer—whom I haven't met yet. I wasn't sure how I felt about someone I barely knew accompanying me on my journey but I trusted my Alpha and Luna.

It was Sunday night. I was unsure if I was going to be able to sleep tonight. So many thoughts were swirling in my head, it was daunting. An endless radio chatter that wouldn't go away, that was what was going on in my mind. I sighed quietly as I rubbed my forehead, unsure. I was afraid but at the same time I was excited. I was going back to school to see my peers and friends. I was going back to school to see if I could really handle the two demons there.

Helen was healing slowly but she was already moved out of her parents' home and to the outcast cabin far from the pack territory. My wolf growled with hate at t he mention of Helen. Alex had been moved out of his parents' home since the night he rejected me. My heart quivered in grief at the reminder.

My wolf, this time, snarled instead of whimpering. I think she was moving on from her grief and moving onto anger. I didn't blame her; I knew sooner or later I would reach that stage as well. I wasn't sure if I was happy with the punishment they received but that was only because the punishment I deemed fit was well, death and Alpha wouldn't condone that.

Which I understood but hey, I could still dream.

I was criss crossed on my bed. I was organizing my school binders and making sure everything was ready for tomorrow. My room still lingered with the smell of fresh paint. I also rearranged my furniture to a better and different layout. The walls that once adorned hundreds of happy memories now proudly showed posters and paintings that I have drawn. I never put them up before because I didn't have the room but now, I did. I was very proud as they hung on my wall.

My room no longer fed my greedy grief. Instead, it gave me comfort and safety. I was untouchable in my room now. The herbs I have collected were arranged on another wall that my father had lined with wooden shelves. There was room for more because my father knew I would put up more herbs on that wall. Every time I would stare at my herbs, I would get a prideful surge of energy that would run through me.

The pictures that I took down are packed away in boxes and hidden out of sight. My family and wolf spoke their displeasure on this. They wanted to burn the pictures, eager to make these memories cease to exist. I refused to do such a thing. Despite what pain they inflicted, Alex and Helen were once my happiness. At one point in my life, they were my life. I would never throw something away that had made me very happy.

What they did was cruel and fucked up, but I would cherish the memories I was graced to have of them before everything became a nightmare.

"Hey, little moon." My mother tapped on my door frame as my door had been open.

I looked over at her and noticed how skittish she looked. I tilted my head, "Is everything okay?" I knew they were nervous about tomorrow but they couldn't possibly be as nervous as I was, could they? I began to put away my school supplies and shove them into my backpack.

My beautiful mother nodded slightly, "You have a visitor." Her voice was tight and didn't match the small smile on her face.

I frowned. My wolf was on instant alert. Who could possibly be here to see at such a late hour? For the last two weeks, I had no visitors besides the friends who kindly brought my homework and my Alpha and Luna. My mind was racing and for a moment my mind briefly landed Alex Greene. My wolf snarled angrily as I shook the thought out of my head. "Who is it?" I questioned unable to hide the curiosity in my voice.

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