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"I am not sorry for who I had to become in order to survive."

 by Schuyler Peck

Yangshuo, China

"You were supposed to go home."

I set down the pot of tea in the middle of the table with a sigh, "Natalie, we talked about this." It was a Friday afternoon and I was happy to be in our small house after such a tedious day at school. It had been more then a year since our departure from our hometown and I was finally given the choice to visit our home but I refused.

I didn't want to go home. I had told Natalie when we were in Greenland and she had seemed understanding until now. "Your family misses you."

I poured her tea and muttered, "I'm not ready to go home."

Natalie gave me a look of disbelief, "I know you miss home." She states.

I poured some tea into my cup, "I do." I didn't deny it, "But I'm not ready to go home. You can go back though." I shrugged as I took my seat. We were having afternoon tea in our small garden. The pack here was friendly enough but rather private. Honestly, I didn't think you could consider it a pack since most of the wolves keep to themselves and are pretty scattered.

But they had an Alpha and Luna so, it qualifies as a pack.

They were friendly but the wolves here preferred their peace and solitude. I had seen many wolves from different countries residing in this pack too. Yangshuo was nestled at the base of a mountain and beside a lazy river called the Li River.

It was beautiful here with all of the greenery, the lazy morning fogs, the fresh water scent, and the cool temperatures. We had our little house near the base of the mountain—not too far from the town center.

Natalie growled, "I'm only looking out for you. I certainly don't want to go back home and have to deal with my annoying brother." She huffs and drinks her tea—the fresh tea here seriously relaxes this feisty she-wolf.

We've been here for three months and I finally learned how to make the tea correctly. I didn't have to ask our neighbors for anymore tea even though they were nice and amused by my lack of tea knowledge. It was hard learning Chinese but thankfully, the residents here spoke English as a second language. "Then why are you being so insistence?" I questioned with a frown.

Natalie shrugs, "After that night in Greenland, I would have thought that you wanted to go home." She says taking a long sip of the sweet, warm tea. We both liked how it warmed our bodies especially since the later it got, the colder it became.

I shook my head, "If anything, it made me not want to go home." I explained.

"Your letters arrived today," Natalie added cautiously, "While you were at school, I left them in your room. I have a good feeling that you have some explaining to do." She chuckles quietly because she would always read my letters after I've read them.

I never minded because I trusted her so.

I rolled my eyes, "I guess we'll find out after we come back from training." I say with a small shrug.

Natalie snorts, "We aren't training today, brat. It's such a nice day that I refuse to train with you. I wouldn't want to ruin my peace." She says in a dramatic voice.

I laugh quietly, "You've been saying that for the last two days. I think some training is overdue." I told her with a warm smile.

Natalie stares, "You haven't kicked my ass yet, you know." She states bluntly.

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