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"Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it." 

by Michelle K. 

The Luna looked very pleased and happy to see me and a part of me wondered if she knew I would eventually come. I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest. Luna Regina was very clever and wise. Alpha James was in his study speaking privately to my brothers' and about what I could only imagine. "I was very happy when my mate told me that you were coming," Luna Regina had me sitting down at her huge counter in her kitchen. It was strange being here...there was so much warmth and comfort in their home.

Simply being here was calming on my wolf and soul.

My heart seemed to be a little less broken when in the presence of my Alpha and Luna. "I had a very strong feeling that you would come sooner or later, sweetie. The recipe I learned from a very close friend, sadly she's passed onto her next life." There was a small flicker of distant grief on the Luna's regal face before it was replaced with a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry to hear," I replied with a small and sad frown, "Was she from our pack?"

The Luna shook her head as she began to take our herbs from her fridge, "No, she wasn't. She was rogue granted immunity on the edge of our lands. She lost her mate very young and found she wanted the solitude of nature instead of her pack," I listened carefully and watched her take out mason jars of herbs that smelt strange and unfamiliar to me, "I knew her from when we were pups and after my son was rejected by his mate, I went to her seeking help," Her sweet voice lowered with woe, "A mother will do anything to help her pup from hurting, you know."

I remained silent as I drank in her words, "Your mother came to me asking for help. She knew what I had to go through with my son and asked for anything that would help you. This soup is made with special herbs found all over our territory. Have you ever been curious in the study of Herbology?" She asked gently setting the mason jars in front of me and opens the lids.

The aromas made my wolf perk up with interest. I sniffed and eyed them—each jar arraying from different scents both strong and soft. "We were supposed to start studying herbs later on in the year." I truthfully answered.

She nods, "I found a great liking to Herbology and perhaps you will too." She grins, "It is a very special skill to acquire and handy."

I looked at the jars with interest, "They smell....interesting?"

The Luna giggled, "Most of them smell rather rank but they have better taste and uses," She advised taking the foulest jar and pushing it towards me. I recoiled with my nose scrunched up, "This one is called Pudgefoot and you'll need a couple of leaves of this in the soup." I listened with rapt attention as Lune Regina explained every use of the herbs needed in the soup. She also explained their use vaguely.

She began explaining how to actually make the soup.

It felt good....being here with my Luna and being taught by her. Not many had the pleasure of having that honor. The Luna was more then happy to indulge in her knowledge of herbs. If her son, the next Alpha, wouldn't have been rejected then she would never had had need to make the soup and I would've never been here.

I guess it was just one good thing that came from being rejected.

I turned out to be more then interested in the herbs. Their colors, sizes, smells, and uses were very appealing. My wolf and I were naturally very curious and eager to breathe in new knowledge. It was another hour or so later, the kitchen was rich in aromas. It smelt amazing and my wolf was drooling.

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