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"Love isn't soft, like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close." 

by Stephen King.

Alex Greene

It was a constant battle within my body. It felt like I was playing tug-a-war with my wolf. Helen is our mate now, I bitterly informed him for the millionth time that day. I had been dreading this day since I found out that freaking Skye was mate. I should've rejected her the moment I found out she was my mate but I was stupid and didn't. Now, I was paying the price. Helen was sleeping somewhat peacefully—every now and then she would whimper. Her shoulder was slowly healing and it was because she hadn't shifted yet. It would take days maybe even weeks for the damn wound to heal.

Our mate is Skye. She was right to put this bitch in her place. Weak wolf. My wolf gloated.

I bit back a snarl of frustration. It was annoying that I couldn't get physical with this damn beast of mine. It was hard letting him talk shit about Helen—the girl I loved and have always loved since I was damn kid. Why couldn't she have been my mate?

I was reminded on how fucked life was.

There were constant tremors vibrating through my skin. To be remind me of what I had done. I gritted my teeth as my wolf remarked venomously; you wouldn't be going through this if you had just accepted our mate.

I balled my hands into fist; I would have to listen to this mutt for the rest of our days. We were at odds—two souls fighting for different wants. He reminded us constantly of everything that would go wrong now that I rejected Skye. I didn't care because I knew what I want and it wasn't Skye. Skye doesn't compare to Helen—not even close.

My wolf snapped his teeth, Helen is a weed and Skye is our red flower.

I shook my head and tried my best to ignore my wolf. My body was humming with electrical shocks of pain. I unclenched my hands with a deep sigh. The Alpha had refused to give Skye punishment for attacking Helen which pissed me off. Helen deserved justice. She hadn't provoked Skye in any way.

Helen shifted in her sleep and mumbled incoherent words.

I watched her quietly and I could hear my wolf comparing her to Skye. I groaned and leaned back into my seat, banging my head against the wall in the process. I had to find a fucking way to shut this mutt up.

School would be hell for Helen and me—our friends siding with Skye. I snorted in agitation. Of course they would side with her. Skye was too fucking innocent and kind—always had been. God, I hated her personality. Kind? My wolf barked in laughter, Look at what he did to your mate, idiot.

I rubbed my eyes and begged for this to be some fucked up dream.

Helen is ours. I simply told him though it was useless.

My wolf huffed, Skye is mine.

I would have to be careful now. Helen couldn't be near me if I was intending to shift because my wolf would try to kill her the first chance he got. In his eyes, Helen was the reason he couldn't get to his stupid mate. If he killed her, he thinks I would go straight to Skye—which I wouldn't.

I sighed quietly.

The door opened and I looked up to see my little sister coming in. The young teenager didn't even glance at Helen but asked, "How is she?"

My family wasn't pleased with my choice of rejecting my mate, so, they were giving me the cold shoulder. My baby sister still talked to me even though I knew she was mad at me. She adored Skye and disliked Helen.

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