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"Daydreams were dangerous because they made her wish for things she could never have."

By Julie Garwood.

Plaka, Greece

I did my best to focus on my school work then the problems that have plagued since I left home. I've been quieter...Natalie has taken notice but for some reason, hasn't pestered me for answers yet. I was glad in a way...I mean, I didn't even know what I would say if she did ask—what would she ask anyway?

Did she know about Deon and me? Wait, would you even call it that? Can you even call it that? What were we? I shook my head as I collected herbs for my upcoming homework. I had other things to worry about...my training would be complete in a year, Goodness how time flies, right? Just under three years ago...I was rejected and now, here I was in Greece collecting herbs thinking about another male.

I repressed another sigh.


My wolf sighed dreamily.

And I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. My wolf was seriously not helping with anything, if she had it her way we'd be back home with Deon. But Deon...Deon wasn't our soul mate and as much as it hurt my heart to admit out loud, we knew it was true. Deon had his own mate who rejected him and is out somewhere in the world living free without a care...and Deon is back home yearning for another chance with some broken she-wolf who wasn't even sure what she wanted anymore in terms of my love life.

Ever since Alex rejected me (cue in my wolf growling) I don't think I've ever thought of wanting someone else...at least I don't think I have. Yes, I've cried and moaned about never having a family or feeling the love my mate would give me...but I don't think I've ever wanted another man to try to replace those feelings with.

It just didn't seem worth it to me.

I mean, Deon was rejected already meaning I wouldn't hurt another wolf the way I was hurt by Alex and Helen but still...Deon and me...would never work. We could fall in love, yes, and our wolves could learn to accept another one as mates but we would never be real mates. We would never have children together....I could never hold his mark and he certainly couldn't hold mine...everything that came with having a mate wouldn't apply to us...and yes, it sounded like I was being selfish but didn't I deserve to be?

All I have ever dreamt about was having my own family...my mate, my kids, and me! Having a child was something that always appealed to me...I've always wanted to be a mother. I loved children so much! Theatrically, Deon and I could adopt and at one point, I did tell myself that I would adopt at least one orphan pup...but I, at least, wanted one kid that I birthed and carried from my body, you know?

Not to sound completely sexist, but I was a woman and a crucial job for females—whether human, werewolf, or whatever supernatural creature you could think of—was to bring new life into this world and I would never be able to do that now.

I was staring blankly at the delicate, green herb in my hand and hadn't noticed the tears leaking from my eyes. Kuma licked my other hand that was dangling limply at my side and I came back into my senses. I looked around for a moment before stashing the herb away in my pouch and using the back of my hand to get rid of the tears.

I gave another heavy sigh.

This wasn't how I wanted to spend my time in Greece. It was an insult to the country that I was in. Greece was so care-free and laid back. The pack here was unlike any I have ever seen before. There was an Alpha but every important decision was decided by the entire pack—young and old. They were kind enough to give us a home in the center of the pack life—which was an honor, really. Most packs gave us homes in the outskirts of their pack or in the center of the human cities. This pack was very welcoming and caring—not showing me pity because I was rejected but rejoicing in the fact that I was bettering myself by building a new future for myself.

I finished collecting the herbs needed for my homework and decided to go home—it was growing late and I knew Natalie wouldn't be very happy with me if I came back after dark. Not wanting to face her wrath in training—which we were still doing—I put a little pep in my step to hurry along back home.

I made sure to stop by our favorite café to get our usual treats—the kind wolf behind the counter beaming as I entered. We made some smack-talk but he seemed mostly interested in how my studies were going. He even gave Kuma some dog treats—the town seemed very big on keeping their stray animals and pets well-fed and cared for.

Though many were strays, the people here offered their food to them and made sure that they were tagged, had their vaccines, and fixed so that they couldn't reproduce. The way of life in Greece seemed much better compared to the States but then again...Greece always had economic issues too.

Kuma and I left with happier attitudes.

Natalie was actually making food—which seem to be a growing occurrence. Despite how much she despised cooking when we first started this adventure together, she changed her mind and always wanted to cook—of course, you couldn't say it out loud or she would snap or try to hit you. I certainly learned the hard-way. Our cozy apartment smelt amazing and I almost drooled as I entered the kitchen, "Smells super good, Nat." I commented as I set down our treats that would serve as our dessert.

She turned to look at me and saw the treats that I brought, "Nice, I was going to send you back out once you came back from your little trip to get them." She smirked and I rolled my eyes—good thing I had the sense to pick up our favorite treats then.

"Also," I pursued my lips unsure if I should bring up this topic, "I saw that cat lounging by our garden again this morning." There was this large cat—that I later figured out was a Maine Coon—that took a liking to our garden and Natalie. Natalie seemed to hate the large feline but honestly, I could see her liking the cat. She never showed much interest in any animals—I mean, she still kinda hates Kuma some days. It seemed like animals weren't her thing but this cat seemed to really like her.

Natalie glanced over at me, "Really? Again? I saw him this morning on the window-still." She mumbled.

"Maybe...it's hungry?" I questioned.

Natalie scoffed, "It can go scavenge elsewhere." She stated icily.

"Aw, but he looked like he wanted to join us for dinner." I teased with a smirk.

Natalie was glaring at me now, "If we feed that monster, it'll keep coming back and with friends! Next thing we know we'll be the cat orphanage of Plaka!" She spat and turned her attention onto her cooking.

I snorted with laughter, "I doubt he has cat friends, he looks like he eats smaller cats." I joked.

"Then why do we have to feed him? Is it even a he?" Natalie questioned.

I shrugged with a chuckle, "I figure by its size that it would be a male?"

"We're not feeding it." Natalie finalized.

But I knew she secretly fed him whenever I wasn't around that's why he or she kept coming back. "Do you think it has a home?" I asked out of the blue as I prepared the table.

"I don't care." Natalie retorted.

Yes, you do! I sang in my head but kept the comment to myself.

The next morning, I got up earlier then usual. I crept over to the window over-looking the garden and was pleased when I saw Natalie feeding the monstrous feline with the leftovers she didn't eat last night. I smirked as I watched the feline ran up to her and rub himself or herself against her legs before digging into its food.

Natalie leaned over to pet the feline.

And there was a hint of a smile on her face.

Being who I was, I snapped a few pictures of her with the cat before returning to my room to get ready for a long day at school. I knew it wouldn't be long until that cat became apart of this family—it was all set in stone from the moment Natalie first fed that cat. 

sorry it's super short!

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