Nominations and Something else

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-The Next Morning-

Kayla's POV

I wake up to a squawking noise. "Why Lady Princess." I mutter and I get out of bed and I grab my usual outfit and I walk to the bathroom and I shower and I change and I leave my hair wet down and I put on my Jonin vest and I walk out and I walk to my room and I put my ninja gear on. "Yuzuki get up we have to go to the Hokage's office." I say to her.

"Just like 2 more hours." Yuzuki says curling up on the bed.

I sigh. "You better be awake by the time I get back Yuzuki." I say and I walk out of my room and I close the door and I walk to the kitchen and I grab a piece of toast and I walk out of the house and I see Gaara on the roof. 

"Morning Lady Kayla." Gaara says to me.

"I hate mornings. Anyways I have to head to the Hokage's office if you want to come you can, Matsuri is asleep." I say to him.

"I'll stay here." Gaara says to me.

"Alright see ya later Lord Kazekage." I walk to the Hokage building and I jump in through the window. 

"Ah Kayla your here." Lady Tsunde says to me.

I grumble and stand in front of her desk. "Why did you wake me up?"

"Ah right we have another meeting later be here and on time." Lady Tsunde says to me.

"Ok see ya." I jump out the window and I land on my feet on the ground and I walk to training ground 11.

"YOUR LATE." Yuki and Isamu yell while Yoru nods with them.

"An old lady needed help so I helped her carry her groceries to her house on the opposite side of town." I lie.

"LIAR." Yuki and Isamu yell while Yoru just nods with them.

I roll my eyes. "Ok you guys get to work on that medical jutsu scroll that I gave you yesterday." I say to them.

"Yes Sensei." They say and get to work.

A few hours pass and I walk to the meeting and I walk in the room.

"Your late Kayla." Lady Tsunde says to me.

I laugh nervously. "You see-"

"I don't want to hear another excuse." Lady Tsunde says to me.

"Kakashi were you late to?" I ask him.

He laughs nervously.

I stand next to Kakashi.

"The Chunin Exam nominations." Lady Tsunde says.

I tune out until its my turn.

"KAYLA PAY ATTENTION." Lady Tsunde yells.

"My turn?" I ask and she nods. "Alright I nominate Yoru Naitokuran, Yuki and Isamu Sunokuran." I say to her.

"WHAT." Iruka yells.

More stuff happens.

"I taught those children I know their strengths and weaknesses." Iruka says. "These exams could kill them."

"Iruka." I say to him.

"Yes Kayla?" He asks me shocked I didn't call him sensei.

"Shut it, I am training Yoru, Isamu and Yuki, you aren't. If I think they are ready, then they are ready." I say to him.

Iruka and everyone else looks at me shocked by what I said.

I sigh. "Iruka whether you like it or not, they are ready." I say to him.

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