Chapter 22

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"We can work it out. We can raise as if he was never in the picture. Together."

"We? Together? There is no we and there is no more together. There is no more fucking us. You lied to me. This whole fucking relationship is a lie. Y/n   we are no longer a thing. We are over. Cant you get that through you're thick fucking skull you DUMBASS!"

"The fuck you just call me?!"

"Bitch did I stutter, I called you a dumbass."

"Listen here motherfucker. I may be pregnant and in a hospital bed but I can still kick your ass."

"I would like to see you try you whore. You probably even forced yourself onto jhope"
No this motherfucking bitchass did NOT just say that.

"Hey jackass remember when we first started dating and I told you that if you ever cheat on me or break my heart I would cut ya dick off?"



I hopped out of the bed grabbing the sharpest tool I had near me and ran up to him. And that's when everyone barged in.

"What the fuck guys-"
Kookie says and stops when he realized what was happening. He ran up to me holding me back by my wrist forcing me to drop what I had in my hand.

"Y/n. You don't have to do this." He whispered in my ear calming me down a little.

"Be careful Kookie that whore might try to sleep with you too."
"What the fuck has gotten into you hyung?"

"Some sense us what got into me."

"You know what? Leave. I don't need you. I can raise this baby all by myself. Just leave just like everyone else in my life." I had just had enough and broke down in tears
"Its all my fault" I whispered to myself hoping nobody would hear. But everyone who was still in the room. So pretty much all of bangtan except Yoongi. They all heard.

"Never say that again. This is not your fault and whoever makes you think that way is a fucking idiot."

"But what am I gonna do now I'm a single mother now. And even if neither of them will be in the babies life I still don't know whether its Yoongi's or Hoseok's. But to be honest I don't want it to be either of theirs at this point. I just had to get pregnant... Hey doc is it too late for an abortion?"

SWAEG- BTS Min Yoongi ffWhere stories live. Discover now