Chapter 29

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Taylor's POV

"No Harry, I don't see her notebook back here."

Audrey huffs on the other end and Harry tries to calm her down. "Alright well she can't find her math homework anywhere. How's Bridg?"

I turn back around in my seat picking at my nails. "So far so good, I followed her to her fathers cemetery." I look up to check on her and I see the worst possible thing I could ever see. "Fuck"

I drop my phone and sprint out of the car. A gun is pointed at Bridget's head and she's the one behind the trigger.

Her eyes squeeze tight and her finger moves to the back of the gun. It makes a tick but doesn't doesn't go. "Fucking safety!!!!" She shakes to move the safety and back to her head

"Bridget stop!!!" I stumble to get in front of her and take the gun away. She pulls from me and stands up.

"Get away Taylor. Get out of here!" she points the pistol at me.

The mood had changed as I take a step back, holding my arms up. Her eyes are crazed and her body is shaking. "Get the fuck out of here"

"Bridget, you don't want to do this. Please, put the gun down and just come home."

"You know for a second I thought wouldn't turn out to be like Lori. I could never reach the point of holding a gun. Because I loved my life. I loved my family, my friends. but now" she pauses, waving the gun in the air "now it's all a god damn lie. This was all fun for you. Taking a broken down little girl, to a successful young woman." She drops to her knees "you did this for fun, there was no meaning for you. All a game out of pity. For a girl that had nothing."

I take a step closer every second I get a chance, and when she catches on. She puts the gun back to her head, "nothing is stopping me from pulling this trigger Taylor."

"Fine. Then do it Bridget. Throw your life away. Everything you built your life up on. Your husband, your children, your acting career. Your millions of dollars. Even if you took me out of the equation, you still have so much. But fuck that right? just go through with it. They won't miss you"

She sends me hate through her eyes and cocks the gun back, putting it to her head. As she begins to shake a take another step forward, "you're right Taylor. But you know what, they can still live without me." Her hand moves to the trigger. I take another step.

"Take one more fucking step Taylor Alison. One more god damn step and I will pull this trigger!" she screams. This time, the gun isn't at her head. It's at my chest.

"Look Bridget I'm sorry! okay. I'm so sorry that I told you that and that I didn't tell you before. nothing would have been different! I would still think the same of you to this day. And that is that I love you to death. Literally as I'm standing in front of a gun for you. I am so fucking happy that we pulled over that day! I'm even happy you put me through hell and back because it made us who we are today. And I wouldn't take another second of it back. Don't tell my kids this but I will always, always love you more than them. We have a special bond. Bridget you're my best friend." at this point I've walked up to her, gun hitting my chest.

She doesn't move, only turning the black pistol and wrapping my hands around it, pressing it to her chest. "Shoot me Taylor. Take me out of my agony. Shoot me in my fucking heart. Where you carelessly broke it in the first place. Kill me." she pleads for me to take action.

Not only is she screaming at me. But tears stream down her face, matching mine. "I could never do that."

I take advantage of her broken state and tug the gun back and down.

"Oh but Taylor you made the wrong choice." She moves her thumb to the trigger

"Please. Please Bridget stop. I promise you. I'll never hurt you again. It's me and you against the world. Me and you. Forever." I watch her thumb slowly move away. "Bridget, please I love you"

"No you don't. And you never did." Within a second I hear a gunshot and Bridget falls to the ground.

I drop to my knees. "No! God damn it!" I hold her wound, looking at her.

Regret runs through her eyes and she shakes her head. "I don't want to die mom."

"Stay with me Bridget. You're not going to die. Stay with me." I start to panic when I realize I don't have my phone on me. I pat Bridget's sides and find her phone dialing 9-1-1.

"Mom. Please don't let me die. I'm sorry."

"Shh, I'm right here. You're stuck with me your whole life Bridg. You're not going anywhere."

The dispatcher sends and ambulance and I set my head on Bridget's chest.

She starts to wheeze from the pain and blood spills from her lower chest. Bridget grabs my hand and lowers it to her bullet hole. "Put...pressure".

I nod in agreement and attempt to contain the blood flow.

Her breathing starts to become low. Almost to low, "Bridget, keep your eyes open. what ever you do. Don't close your eyes. You hear me!?"

My beautiful blue eyed daughter looks at me and nods. Her eyes weren't blue anymore. They were a dim grey and her face was pale. "Tell me a story about your dad."

"I'm. in. Too much. Pain." She struggles so spit out the small sentence.

"Wanna know how Austin got the scar on his stomach?" I chuckle and she nods. I tell her about the time he and I were playing with matches. We would lite them and put it to the side. One of the newly burned ones fell to the floor and Austin laid on his stomach to reach for something. Burning the crap out of his bloated stomach. I don't think I've laughed that hard at my brothers stupidity in my whole life.

The ambulance comes and I follow her to the back, holding her hand the entire way.

When they take her back to surgery the nurse comes to approach me. "The bullet went through her right lung. It went all the way through so that's a good sign, but" she pauses to look at her papers "but, she's in critical condition. There fluid in her lungs and were having a tough time extracting it. The doctors are working very hard to pull her through. But really, I'm sorry Mrs. Styles, but you might have to be saying goodbye to your daughter tonight."

A Little Too Late (Third book to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now