Twenty Eight

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Third Point Of View

" i'm in no position to ask you Jinyoung. We're not together in the first place. " she lashed out.

" that's because you never consider me as the one. all you see is Woojin. Woojin here. Woojin there. you thought that our relationship are just as the fake one. i never did Younghee. I never did but you "

Jinyoung couldn't help but to burn inside.  he knew he was jealous. he's speaking nonsense. and this is not how he imagined. What the hell is wrong with him.

He turn around, walking towards her, jealousy and anger mixing together.

" or maybe it's true that you really replaced me with Woojin now don't you ? your feelings surely faded fast. i can't believe that i trust you in first place " 

" stop! stop it! " she suddenly scream, avoiding the advancing Jinyoung but she had nowhere to go since she's trap between him and the sofa that she's sit just now.

" i might come across as i may not care because i'm not acting up. but that doesn't mean i don't care, i don't have feeling and those feeling doesn't hurt. " her monolid looking straight into Jinyoung's.

" i'd call you so many times but you never did reply me even once. i'd try many different way to reach you, but its all wasted. i've got enough problem in my life without adding you into the list. my immaturely screaming for you doesn't change anything " Younghee sobbed.

finally she talk. Jinyoung thought.

" i was hoping to have a reasonably civil conversation with you about it but that seems not the case here. I admit that i have feelings for you. I fall for you for a very long time now Jinyoung. For me you're the only one. " She slowly admit.

" I admit how i hurt when you left me without any freaking hint, but i also understand enough that my feelings were all just one sided. You never did reciprocate and never gave me indication as we were in that kind of relationship. So i worked out my feelings and dealth it with my own but that doesn't give you the right to say bad thing about it and and belittle me " She explode and try to push Jinyoung away from her, when his hands already on her shoulder to ease her, but to her surprise he really did. A part of her was glad, but a part of her feeling empty without his warm touch again.

" this is something i wanted to tell you since i opened the door for you. Jinyoung.. i think its the best if we didn't see each other again. I have feeling for you but you never reciprocate and me seeing you are just going to make it worse. What is broken remains broken. What is yours, is yours and what is not, is not "

Jinyoung was enjoying the moment, feeling good about getting her to open up and speak up her mind and tell him what she want but the last part was like a splash of cold water on his face. Sure, he was expecting her to speak out her mind but that sure did not include this.

" are you trying to dump me right now ? " Jinyoung sarcastic laughed on Younghee's word.

Younghee on the other hand, trying to run away from Jinyoung as she moved to her kitchen. Avoiding him as much as she can. She started to clean up the mess of ramyeon that she was about to cook just now.

" we're not finish here Younghee " Jinyoung's stern voice behind her making she flinch a second when he's blocking her and she move away.

" do you have any idea what i've sacrifice just to see you now. and you want to what ? never see each other again ? are you out of your mind ? you are mine Younghee. you are mine " Jinyoung who's a bit breathless and panicky managed to grab Younghee by her arm.

He was taken abback by how red Younghee was. The girl that he like, cried because of him. She's crying mess now. Jinyoung soften by that. He sigh once thinking how selfish he was to her.

" Younghee look.. " he somehow cursed under his breath.

" i'm not good at talking and i'm not good either at expressing myself but.. you're the only one who made me feel this way.. this weird feeling that you built inside me... you need to take responsibility for that. I'm sorry that i left.. but i swear its not my intention to leave you. i have my own reason " Jinyoung pull her in his arm, stroking her hair with his fingers.

" i'm sorry Younghee. i'm sorry for everything that i did to you " Jinyoung expressed.

Somehow he was embarassed and shy but he guess that he made a great effort for able to express his feelings from the bottom of his heart well to Younghee.

" you jerk. you hurt me " She lightly punch his chest.

Jinyoung can feel that his shirt wet due to her river tears.

" i know and i'm really sorry Younghee. i have no choice at back then. i swear i really want to come to you, but i just.. can't. " he admit as he smile and peck Younghee by her head.

It took her about good one minute until she broke the silence.

" wae ? did something happened ? " Younghee who still sobbing couldn't help to ask.

" its.. about my father " Jinyoung sigh and Younghee sure that there's something different in Jinyoung's eyes.


ps: i know Jinyoung's comeback is annoying af. but you can't do anything since he's the main here hahaha. anyway thanks for the support. love you fams. 💕

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