Twenty Five

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Third point of view

It was a Sunday morning when Younghee woke up from her bed. Turning her head to the big window of her room,  it was dark and pouring heavily. It was a good decision for her to refuse Woojin and her best friends idea for sight seeing at Han river. If not, their plan would have been cancel anyway by the bad weather.

Looking back at the clock that place on the nightstand, it was only 6 in the morning. Even though Younghee basically only sleep for 3 hours, she left her bed and went inside her bathroom. Her heater wasn't spoiled but she took a cold shower, again.

After two hours spent for revising notes and doing school project, she walk out her bedroom and went to the kitchen. instead of cereal and warm milk that she usually have, Younghee opened her fridge and took a tub of ice cream that her aunt bought before.

" There isn't any much left. I guess i have to go for grocery shopping later " She heaved a sigh.

Younghee didn't want to go outside her house at all. She wants to stay at home all day even there's nothing much she can do at home. but she runs out of groceries.

Taking it out to the living room, she settled herself on the single black couch and watch the television while she devoured the tub the ice cream in her hands. Mindlessly eating the ice cream, she thought back to the night before.

It took her hours to fall asleep when her mind constantly going back to Jinyoung. Two weeks ago, she could simply slept her way though, sleeping at least 10 hours a day, sleeping at 7 in the early night and waking up early for school on the next day. She convinced herself the more she sleep, the lesser she would think about him.

However after weeks passed, it was harder for her to sleep with her heavy mind. She realized that they actually made too much memories together. It was hard for her to not miss him. Younghee wanted to close him in away.She wanted to pull him out of her heart so that she wouldn't hurt to this point. But still, she will think about him every single night without any meaning to.

Pushing the thoughts away she finished her last scoop of ice cream before leaving the house. With an umbrella in her hand, she walk to the nearest mart in her neighborhood. She pulled out a trolley by the side and went to into the mart gathering the things that she needed to.

After some time, she stopped at the cereal section, the last thing she needed to get before making her payment.


" Help me to get that please " Younghee pointed to yellow box cereal that has been her favorite. She knew with Jinyoung's height, he can get it without any trouble to compare with Younghee.

" This one ? " Jinyoung pointed towards the same direction and asked for confirmation.

Younghee nodded her head but Jinyoung made no atemption to do so.

She watched as Jinyoung flashed a smile to her.

" Take it yourself " He tuck his hands inside his pocket and walk away to different section making Younghee off guard by his words.

Younghee blinked her eyes before the word finally sank in. She couldn't help but feel anger rose within her.

" Jerk " She told him when she caught Jinyoung peeking at herself from the beverage section.

End of flashback

Younghee shook her head and pull herself out of the thought. Not wanting herself sank into another memories of him. She quickly pick up a few yellow boxes before heading to the counter with her trolley.

The line for queue was short so it didn't take long for Younghee to make her payment.

" Your hands are cold. are you okay ? " The cashier immediately flinched when their hands brushed while paying.

Younghee put on a smile to the young man.

" yeah i'm fine "

" You should wear more clothes to warm yourself up " the cashier nicely advised as he place the receipt and change in Younghee's hand.

Once again she smiled and bow a little towards him before leaving the market with two plastic bag in her hands.

Nice word.

she thought.

again, it was Jinyoung's word.

He told her the exact same thing when he lend his grey Nike jacket to Younghee.

" I'm sick. I'm sick to all of this " She started to sob.

All the emotion adding together.

With that Younghee just walk with rain pour heavily from the sky.


ps: please support my other stories as well especially my newest work of Ong Seongwoo. don't forget to leave comment and vote 💕

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