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Han Younghee

Ah yes.

Grocery shopping.

Well its a must since we have a sleepover at my house with the duos; Seonho and Hyejung.

Something that i've been itching to do ever since the crazy week of examination ended.

All the heavy thoughts poured out and this past days has been tiring me out endlessly.

So glad i could have some time to my own now.

No Woojin.
No Jinyoung.

Only me and myself. Ohh life.

" Fancy seeing you here Youngiee " He greeted in his strong satoori.

Or maybe not.

" You're stalking me. Don't you ? " I said as i continued to push my cart.

I'm been bumping into him a lot recently. And it freakin' me out how my emotional i'll get after that small talks.

Not this feeling again. Younghee get back to your senses. I mentally cursed inside.

" Yeah right. I would stalk you while bringing my sister along. What a genius plan it is " He playfully answer then pointed to a beautiful girl in black hoodie and white short that busy checking the cookies shelf.

She's grown up; Sejin. Park Sejin. Woojin's younger sister. A beautiful name isn't it ?

Right. Years apart. Everything changed.

" You're still baking ? " He asked me as his hand moves on its own to help me getting the baking products that on top of the shelf.

Maybe its only me who still hasn't change at all ? Still plain. Just like the old time.

I hummed in respond. My breath shorten for a second as his hands brush mines a little. Giving me the backing products that i need.

For some reason i just want to get away from him. Just for some reason that couldn't be describe well in words.

There was a long silence. We didn't talk for minutes, just strolling around in the shopping market until he broke the tense air.

" Youngiee.. can we talk ? "

Gaze met mine. Somehow his gaze looks like an open book; can be seen through but we then saw nothing. As if his eyes, off his soul.


Again. Things changed. People changed. Feelings too.


I knew it. Things didn't seems right from the very first moment i encountered him again after years apart.

Park Woojin literally hurting me again.

I should knew it. I should acknowledge things like this might happen in the beginning.

I thought Bae Jinyoung presence is stronger enough to distract me from him but i was stabbed back with my own scar that i tried to heal for the past year. What a weak heart i got there.

" Who did this to you ? " Seonho being the closest friend of mine asking, with Hyejung that rubbing my back as we both on the bed of mine. Whilst Seonho took a seat in front of ours.

Comforting me with words ever since they saw me running crying on my way home. Probably thinking i was out of my mind since i literally running with my heavy plastic bags that full of groceries despite the wrecking state of mine.

" Answer me ? " He asked more to convincing.

He's worried. I know. But I shook my head. Taking some tissues and wipe my tears away.

" Then why are you crying if no one was hurting you ? " Hyejung hands endlessly rubbing my back.

I didn't answer but as i let myself released all the pain that i've been holding for the past days.

" Is it Bae Jinyoung ? I swear i'll punch him if he's th-- " He was about to stand up but then i cut him.

" Its not about Jinyoung " I managed to answer despite my sobbing.

" Then why are you crying ? " My stubborn pissed Seonho even more.

" Don't make it harder for her " I heard Hyejung pleaded him.

" Younghee.. we'll leave you tonight. But we'll be here for tommorow. Just give us a call if you ready to spill. You know we always love you alright. " She reasurred me. Patting my head a little.

I heard Seonho let out a long sigh.

" I just want to be alone. Just for today. " I slightly nodded my head at the two before pulling the blanket to cover my whole body.

" Lets just go " She muttered but loud enough for me to hear.

I'm sorry Seonho. Hyejung. But i need time.

Not long after their left, someone pressed the doorbell. Making me feel slight frustrated.

Bell by bell. I finally made myself to open the door.

The moment i froze at his sudden visit but managed to ask.

" What are you doing here ? Its late already. Go home "

The deep eyebag Jinyoung managed to held the doorknob when i was about to close it right on his face.

" I want to meet you "

I was softened by his answer.

But... I don't want to. At least not now.


ps; long chapter. thank you for all the vote and comment. really. each of you are amazing. and please look foward to Woojin's character. i considered a lot to added him in this story since he's my bias wreck. but i promised to try my best to potray his character well. who know Younghee might change her heart later ? 😝

Atelophobia || Bae JinyoungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ