Thirty Three

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Third Point Of View

Lately Han Younghee has been stressing out with her extra co-curiculum marks. It is becoming ever more evident that active student use of the School Clubs and Activites is increasingly necessary for the purposes of helping them to enter top universities. Although, she may be good in her studies, but her co-curiculum points is much poor than what she expected.

Being an introvert and withdrawn type of student, she doesn't really participate in school activities. Mostly, she just focus on studying and getting second place in her department. So, it is a million won question where did she got passion in persuing Jinyoung when she usually the type that doesn't give a chance about anything?

For the whole two years in her senior year, last week during School Fun Activities, it was the first time she's lend a hand for the school. Although, she's well known for being the school pride with cheerful image and kind hearted among her school mates, but deep inside she doesn't willing to waste her time for useless matter.

If it's not because of Jinyoung praising and flowery words, saying that her photography skills needed for the school blog, she rather sitting on the bleachers and watch her boyfriend play in awe.

Therefore her teacher, Sir Ong advise her to participate in martial arts competition as an opportunity to raise her poor marks. Thus she was selected with a few of the pretty good students from her class to participate to represent their department.

Since there wasn’t enough training time, teacher Ong required every student to rush to the practice area after school hours were over. They were required to practice for three hours before they were allowed to go home.

With the new schedule, Younghee got less time to meet Jinyoung. But since she eats quite a lot, Younghee didn’t mind the practice hours since doing more exercise would help her lose weight.

However Jinyoung certainly minded it. He wasn’t worried about her sudden participation in the competition, rather, he was annoyed on how the martial arts involve skinship with the opposite gender when they practice.

Younghee was afraid of going home alone. By the time practice was over, the sky would already be dark. The martial arts training grounds were located in a small remote neighborhood. If she wanted to go home, she would need to ride her bike by herself through a very long alley.

The street light in the alley had been broken for almost a month. It was horrible, sometimes while wandering in the dark alley, some stray cats would jump out.

Younghee had been afraid of the dark since she was little. She had gone through the alley a few times before, yet she didn't dare go by herself. She begged her boyfriend to pick her up. However Jinyoung refused.

"You'd best not attend then, what reason does a girl have to be learning martial arts anyway?"

"No! I was told that my co-curiculum marks are poor, therefore joining the competition would help me get the extra points. furthermore, i need keep my body fit"

"If your marks are that poor, worse case I will help you to join more school activites in future."

Younghee thought about it, but in the end shook her head.

"No, I would still like to to join the martial arts."

Jinyoung was somewhat angry. He thought for a while then furios said.

"Whether you want to practice or not, I can't go pick you up."

After speaking, he rode away on his own. Jinyoung couldn't make heads or tails of his anger. Younghee was at a loss too, and could only steel herself and continue to go to practice, although she actually miss him very much.


When practice ended, it was already after 9 o'clock. She went downstairs to get her bike, suddenly becoming both happy and sad simultaneously.

She was happy that her rusty bike had finally been stolen. The sad part was that, without her bike, she had to walk through the alley alone. To her, that was the same thing as offering up her life.

Younghee became gloomy. Carrying her bag with her head down, she neared the entrance of the alley. She hesitated for a moment, closed her eyes, then prepared to sprint through the alley.

Suddenly someone called out to her.

"Han Younghee, are you going home?"

She turned around and saw someone holding a bottle. It happened to be teacher Ahn's younger brother, Ahn Hyoseop.

"Yeah. How come you're here?" Younghee nodded.

Hyoseop showed the bottle in his hand to her.

"I'm helping my dad by going out and buying soy sauce."

"Buying soy sauce? You're going out?" Younghee eyes suddenly brightened.

"Yeah, what's up?" He nodded.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing!! I'll walk with you, I need to go home anyways." Younghee was wild with joy.

"Sure, let's go." Hyoseop didn't notice her motive and straightforwardly nodded.

With someone accompanying her, it really isn't as scary as she thought it would be. Younghee's mood became much better, walking happily. With Hyoseop talking and laughing, before she knew it, they were already out of the alley.

"The public security around here isn't that good, next time you can place your bike in our garage." He said as they leaving.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Oh right, how do you plan on getting home?"

"I can take the last bus home."

"That works. Or maybe you should call your family member to fetch you. It's getting late."

While they were speaking, there was suddenly a braking sound. Then a person's shadow appeared before them.

Having been frightened to near death, Younghee's spirit hadn't returned quite yet, when suddenly she heard Jinyoung's cold voice saying "Get on."

Younghee was surprised.

"Why are you here?"

Strange, didn't he say he couldn't come pick her up, why did he suddenly show up? She can't help but to wonder inside.

Puzzled, Jinyoung had no more patience.

"If I tell you to get on, then get on, how come you have so much nonsense to say?"

Why is he angry again?

Younghee knitted her brows and sat on the back of the bike without saying anything. Then she waved to Ahn Hyoseop.

"I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see you——" The words were on Hyoseop's lips, but a sudden glare that could kill someone pressured the words to go back. He had almost choked.

"Heh!" Jinyoung scoffed, returned his gaze, and biked away with Younghee.

When Ahn Hyoseop's soul returned, his left scratched his head, while his right hand held a soy sauce bottle. He mumbled, "I only came out to get some soy sauce..."

Jinyoung brought Younghee home, not saying a single word the whole way. She was also a little angry, even if she was the one who made him come, did he need to have such a bad attitude?

Both people were angry, simply ignoring each other until they stopped at a red light. Every minute and second they waited made it harder and harder to bear.

Why is this such a long red light? She complained to herself.

She shifted in her seat, making it more comfortable for herself. The side of her backpack accidentally bumped into Jinyoung's back.

Jinyoung stretched his back. After a while, he suddenly spoke.

"Tomorrow, I will pick you up."


ps: do you realize that Jinyoung changed a lot ? He  indirectly show that he's jealous. It's kinda cute tho.

Atelophobia || Bae JinyoungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora