Chapter 2: Face to Face

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V. Kim Taehyung of BTS. Him. There. In front of you.

"Ah, what's this..." He muttered.

He was just as handsome in real life as on the screen, his dark hair flicking just above his large eyes. But his voice's tone was foreboding, and the frown that weighed on his brow suggested weariness- no, not just that.. irritation. He was pissed off.

Kim Taehyung catching you, a stranger, snooping through BTS' private things in the middle of the night...

Shocked and in utter disbelief, you dropped immediately into a low bow, your voice strained. "S- Sorry, I- I'm very sorry! Please forgive me, I shouldn't have..." You trailed off meekly, standing up but keeping your head low, arms glued to your sides. All you wanted was to be able to get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

He let out a deep sigh that cut into you, making you feel like a fool. He walked into the room and dropped his bag by the desk, which he leant back on, arms folded, facing you.

Never had you been more unsure of what to do before. He didn't say anything for what felt like a long while. You couldn't bring yourself to tear your stinging eyes from the floor, so had no idea what the expression on his face might be. The silence pushed in on you until you couldn't take it anymore - you hurriedly bowed again, ran from the room and let your panicked legs take you back along the corridor, up the stairs and towards the exit.

Your mind was flooded. Your cheeks burned red and your chest felt tight, your heart thumping still. Once you were outside the building, you began charging home at a fast pace, unable to calm down, muttering to yourself in stress.

"Just how bad could my luck be? ..No, what the hell was I thinking in the first place? So stupid! This could be my first real job ruined after so little time, just because of greedy curiosity!" Still full of embarrassment and worry, you let out a deep sigh, hoping that by the time you got home you could just collapse into bed and not think about it until tomorrow.


The next day was the official release of the new BTS album, which meant that you would soon experience the on-site part of your job. First up was a press event in the daytime, followed by a performance filming - the kind on a set with no live audience, and lots of individual shots mixed in.

A mixture of nervousness and excitement in your chest, you arrived to work even earlier than usual, to make sure nothing could go wrong. The memory of your horribly awkward encounter last night kept creeping into your head, but you tried to ignore it.

You and the most of the other staff members headed to the filming venue early to prepare, then BTS would arrive after their press event, which required less staff present. After an hour or so you were already feeling the strain - constantly running between the different teams to communicate messages, helping with the stage set up and all the behind the scenes necessities.

Bangtan were scheduled to arrive to begin hair and make-up once everything was mostly ready. You couldn't deny the anticipation you felt, and as you were assisting one of the stylists with her set up, the moment finally arrived...

BTS followed their manager into the backstage room, greeting the staff around happily. You looked on from the side, elated to finally see the group you were working to help. As the boys settled down, the manager spoke.

"Hello, hello everyone! We're nicely on time at the moment so, no need to feel stressed! Ah, and I was told we have a new member of staff - that must be you?" He asked, smiling kindly at you.

Surprised to be so immediately noticed, you tried to suppress your nerves, all too aware of the gazes of the seven idols turning to fall on you.

"Yes, I am! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Y/N - I'm a new assistant to the staff team. I'll do my best to look after you well!" You answered the manager politely and with enthusiasm, also directing a bow at BTS as you spoke.

Namjoon lead the members to return your greeting, and you couldn't help but grin, feeling slightly flustered.

"Okay then, everyone settle in comfortably, we'll keep time updates coming," The manager said, and everyone went about their business.

Relieved to have the introduction over, you looked at the group properly for the first time, undeniably excited. Their personality was already showing as they milled about, talking with stylists and getting ready.

When it came to V, however, you had been avoiding his gaze since he walked into the room. Now, for a split second, your eyes met his. You barely saw his face before you turned away out of embarrassment, but could've sworn you'd seen the slightest of smirks on his lips. Any hopes that he may not recognise you seemed unrealistic, now...

"Y/N! Stay around here backstage for now - if the boys ask for anything you take care of it okay?" One of your superiors said as she walked past, snapping you back to reality.

"Alright, no problem!" You replied.

'Alright. Let's not mess this up.' You thought.


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