
Steve flinched at the unexpected screams and inquired about their strange behaviour, "What's wrong?" Steve asked, curiously, though it was more of a demand. The group just turned to look at the mess of a mask in Bruce's hands. "Is that Kaneki's mask?"

"Yeah, these 3 idiots ruined it," Natasha rats out immediately, pointing to Tony. Clint and Thor.

Steve pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, anything to do with Tony gave him a migraine but with Clint and Thor added, he practically had a hangover. "What happened?" The trio all tried answer, their voices overlapping which annoyed Steve more. "One at a time!"

"Tony stole Kaneki's mask," Thor explains.

"I tried it on then Clint then Thor who ended up tearing it," Tony adds.

"And Tony threw in a bowl of nachos," Clint patronised.

"You say it like I did it on purpose!" Tony retorts.

"You're the reason it's ruined!" Clint accused and the two start arguing.

"Hey guys, have you seen my mask?" Kaneki asked, loudly as he came down the stairs. The males went into panic and Bruce threw the mask to Tony.

"What do I do?!" Tony whispers, harshly.

"Get rid of it!" Bruce replies. Tony ran back and forth, not knowing what to do with the mask but when he saw Kaneki's shadow, he threw the mask behind him without looking where it landed.


A strange whirring sound started up and something was being torn to shreds. The group looked behind and they saw that behind Tony, a few feet away was the open door to the kitchen which showed where the sink garbage disposal was.


"What's that sound?" Kaneki asked the group as he past the his teammates and headed to the sink. "Wha-?" Kaneki shut off the disposal and tugged out the mess of leather out of the sink, Kaneki immediate turned to the group, who were still standing there.

"Is this my mask? Why does it stink of cheese?" Kaneki grinds his teeth as tries to keep all pieces in his hands. "Who did this? No, wait! Tony, explain," Kaneki demanded as he tried to keep his cool.

"What made you think it was me?!" Kaneki shot him a look. "Okay, fine. It was all Thor!" Tony blamed, pointing his finger at the flabbergasted God of Thunder.

"What?! No!" Thor denied, and immediately pushed the blame back onto Tony, "he brought it to me!"

"Well, your fat face was what caused the tear."

"Fat? How dare you! This is all muscle! I do not expect you to know since all you are made of is fat," Thor shot back.

Tony gasped in an exaggerated manner, placing his hand over his arc reactor, "I am not fat!"

"Shut up, Iron prick!" Kaneki snapped, "why does it stink of cheese?"

"Tony threw it in a bowl of nachos," Bruce replied instantly.

"No! I took it from Bruce, tripped backwards which made it fly into the bowl of nachos," Tony explained as if that would help but only proved to make Kaneki angrier.

Kaneki took a deep breath in as he tried to calm his anger which was unsuccessful, "how..." Kaneki's voice was strangely high, he put his hands together in a praying motion before placing it against his forehead, "how did it end up in the garbage disposal?"

"That's the greatest part, Tony actually threw it in there," Natasha answers, smirking.

Tony made a strangling noise at the back of his throat to protest but realised he couldn't since Natasha's statement was true.

"~Tony~" Kaneki sang darkly, cracking his index finger, "what's 1000-7?" Tony started running for his life with Kaneki the Hell Hound chasing him.

"We told him he was going to die," Natasha mused.

"Oh god," Bruce comments as he heads to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Clint asks.

"Saving Tony by making Kaneki a cup of coffee and offering an agreement for both," Bruce answers.

After calming Kaneki down, Bruce reminded him that tiny was rich and could easily have it fixed by a seamstress or mask maker but Kaneki was utterly repulsed in having a faceless nobody touching his mask. He demanded that he and Tony fly all the way to Japan to Uta's studio to replace the mask. Uta didn't know whether to be angry at Tony for destroying the mask or to laugh out loud at how he destroyed it. Either way Uta milked Tony for a third of his fortune and Tony knew never to mess with Kaneki or his mask ever again.

Unfortunately, he's Tony Stark and never listens to anyone so Kaneki's mask is never safe from Tony's grasp.

Let's be clear, this is something Tony would definitely do.

P.s. If you're giving me requests make sure you add a little more detail and add a scene. I sometimes get vague requests and when I ask for more info no one answers back.

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