Chapter 1: Caught

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You always dreamed of working in the music industry. Years of studying piano, guitar, violin, singing, etc.. It was a part of you.

For many years now, your goal was to become a successful producer. You didn't really have the looks or talent (well that's what you think) to be some star performer, but really it wasn't about fame. You wanted to write and produce great music and work with skilled artists and be able to inspire peo0le through your music.

However, as a freshly graduated student with no real experience, finding work was hard. In the end, you accepted a job as an assistant and stage hand for the company Big Hit Entertainment. It was the best of the options you had found, and though it wasn't exactly what you wanted, it was your first chance to get into the industry.


"Ya! Didn't I ask you to get the sheets copied before you started anything else? Are you deaf or deliberately ignoring me?" The all too familiar voice of your manager grated on your ears.

"Yes, I'm going now!" You called back in as cheerful a voice as you could muster.

Only one week into your new job and you already had a hit list. But, as you'd grown up you had come to learn three things when it came to mean bosses:

1) Work so hard they can't possibly criticise you.

2) Always stay one step ahead.

3) Resist the urge to swear violently at them.

Trying to stick to the third rule in particular, you swept out of the main meeting room of the Big Hit building and headed to the downstairs resource office. Your life had become one big power-walk; always somewhere to be, someone calling for a favour. You'd memorized half the staff's coffee order since you'd been sent to fetch it so often.

Just as you entered the room, you smiled smugly, seeing that the last few copies had just finished printing. You had set up the machine to print the sheets earlier, knowing you could collect them later.

When you reappeared before your superior with the stack of sheets, not 3 minutes later than you had left, you felt glee at the surprise in his eyes.

"You- Already? Right. Quickly hand them out, we'll do our briefing." He huffed, before calling all the staff members together to listen.

"Right! Listen up. We all know Bangtan will be returning from China tonight. Their comeback officially starts in 10 days, and of course, comeback time is our busiest time! I expect you all to be working at your best. Now, let's go through our immediate schedule..."

You let the manager's voice fade out of focus as he went through the list on the sheets. You couldn't help but smile a little, thinking that the one possible upside to your job would be actually contributing directly to BTS. You were part of their staff, but you'd never even seen them...

Letting out a sigh, you thought as you often did of the motivation that kept you going. One day, you'd be a real music producer. Someone even the idol groups would look up to. And you didn't mind working hard to please others to get there.


As BTS's comeback drew closer, every department was busy with last minute preparations and changes. One night you found yourself staying later than usual, kept busy with tasks others couldn't spend time on.

Usually the last thing you did before finishing for the day, you made your way into your manager's office and carefully placed a list of notices on his desk for him to deal with the next morning.

Stretching your achy back and yawning widely, you left the room, turning the light off behind you and heading towards the exit. You came to the point where stairs lead up to the left, the way you took to leave the building. Lately your eyes had a habit of drifting off to the right, and across the doors that lead to the music production rooms, where the real magic happened. Those were the rooms you really wanted to be working in.

'Ah, more than two weeks working here and still I haven't even seen them.' You thought to yourself.

You hesitated, chewing your bottom lip. For some reason, the urge to investigate was stronger than ever. Perhaps because you knew that at this time, it was unlikely anyone else would be there. BTS may be hard workers who practice at crazy hours, but now, just before a comeback, they'd be focusing on their performances, not writing new music...

Overcome by the impulse, you moved swiftly down into the darkened corridor, the light from the stairs behind you the only illumination. Ignoring the other doors, you came to a stop before the one that interested you most. Taking a deep breath you placed your hand on the door handle and pushed it open carefully.

After groping through the dark to find the light switch, you flicked it on, and found yourself in the BTS room you recognised from some of their Youtube videos. Somewhat entranced, you moved into the room, leaving the door ajar behind you.

Everything intrigued you. Your eyes scanned across the posters and wall decorations, the shelves adorned with quirky toy figurines and music awards. Reading each trophy closely you smiled, exhilarated to be so near these emblems of the group's achievements.

You brushed your hand across the keyboard on the desk, looking at the various pieces of musical equipment and scattering of handwritten notes. Real notes that the group made whilst working on music.. You couldn't make out a lot of the writing, and just as you leant closer to inspect them-

Your heart leapt into your throat at the sound of someone behind you. Holding your breath, you spun around to face the door.

Your eyes widened. The sight of the person before you made your heart pound even faster.

'Oh my god...'

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