Chapter 31: FF's So Bad@ss (Not)

Start from the beginning

"Well, that didn’t take too long,” I said smugly to myself. I put my trolley in a corner and searched for something to do because I was getting bored. Shopping was fun till it lasted.

A blonde with a fake tan passed me, giving me a wink. I repressed a shudder. When one has a mate, they can’t stand the thought of being with someone else.

Minutes passed, and then more minutes passed. I just walked around with hands in my pockets. There was nothing to look at except millions of shelves full of stuff that I probably had no use for.

“I am so bored!” I cried out loud. The few people around me turned in my direction- their stares burning many holes into my skin. I shifted from foot to foot nervously. A young brunette was staring at me with her mouth hanging open and slight drool on the corner of her mouth. Her mother copied her expression. I resisted the urge to laugh.

I knew I was good looking, but not that good looking.

After a while, it just got irritating. Don’t these people have better things to do than stare at me all day long? Pedophiles, I thought as I glanced at two middle-aged ladies- lust clear in their eyes. Ew, gross! Why can’t Ellie look at me like that?

“Just keep walking people, I am not a walking freak show,” I said, gesturing with one hand for them to proceed shopping. They all looked away, embarrassed, and resumed with their shopping.

A fake blonde strutted up to me- standing to close for comfort. I nervously stepped back. I noticed she worked here.

She smiled in a way she assumed to be seductive and said, “I heard you were bored. I could keep you entertained for a few minutes… or hours.”

I grimaced. “No thanks.” And then I hurried away, leaving behind a disappointed Blondie. I might be inexperienced when it came to these things but I knew the meaning of her words loud and clear.

After a long minute I spotted Ellie again. Still shopping…

I really have to do something otherwise I’m going to die of boredom! I decided to walk out for some frsh air.

Upon my stepping outside, I spotted a shop called Starbucks. What a weird name, but oh well. I guess it’ll do.

"May I take your order sir?" The man in a green apron said as I walked inside and to the counter.

"Um..." I said and looked over to the board. The names were also weird. I guess they were coffees of some kind. Mmm, I could do with some coffee. I’ve only had it once when I was fifteen. My parents never let me have one after that.

"Would you like our latest Frappuccino?" The man asked.

"Yeah sure!" I said.

"Ok then one Frappuccino and do you want anything else sir?" the man asked.

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