Fifty Three

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After some crazy celebrations with the cup it was time for the parade again. This time there was no drunkenly waking up in a strangers bed and drinking out of the Stanley cup. I was pregnant and engaged but this celebration was fun in its own sense. I got to remember all of it this time and they won at home so that was fun. Plus Patrick's family hung around so I got to create some memories with my future family.

I wasn't sure what to expect at this parade. I knew there was no way that this parade can eclipse the last one, but there's no underestimating hawks fans. I know they're going to give back what the hawks have given to them these past few years.

I pull on a pair of jean shorts since it was going to be a hot day. I slip in a tank top and look in the mirror. My stomach showing a little tiny bump under the tank top and I smile at the reflection. I see Patrick come up behind me and he rests his hand on my stomach.

"This year... it's gonna be something else" he admits.

"I just pray that I can still fit in my wedding dress next month" I admit.

"It doesn't matter if you do or not, you'll still be the most amazing woman in the room" he claims and I smile up at him. I place a soft kiss on his lips and he turns me around so I can give him a real kiss.

"I need to finish getting ready" I whisper on his lips as he holds me close.

"Or... we can stay here and day dream some more" he suggests.

"I have to open the community center after the parade anyway" I remind him.

"Damn you for being so successful" he teases and I roll my eyes. He eventually lets me go and I pull my lucky Kane jersey over my head.

We head over to the United Center early this morning and board the buses. Just like in 2013 they pass around the beer. I sit in Patrick's lap as we talk around to the guys.

"There's a open bar at your wedding, right" Shaw asks with a beer in hand and I laugh.

"Yes, but bring your ID because you still look 12. Even with the beard" I joke.

"You know, I always liked you" he smirks.

"Feeling is mutual, Mutt."

The buses take off and the boys have a great time, there was even more people here this year than the last parade which I was surprised by but not really. There was red for the as far as I can see. Fans in buildings and on top of them, all out here to catch a glimpse of these amazing athletes and that thank them for the joy they brought to the city.

And the players had a few words for the fans so we all pile into soilder field. I swear this is the most people I've seen at this place in years. The seats were packed and the field was packed too. I stand to the side as the hawks are called up to the stage. They were all pretty tired and still drunk. Jonny's voice was all but gone by now as he tries to hype the crowd up by saying he wants four in seven. And in his mind that is defiantly possible, he was kinda awesome.

Patrick goes up and says a few words and nothing more. He wasn't about the talking, he let his play do the talking for him. So he gives a nice "what's up chicagooo" only to be outdone by Corey's "fucking right chicagoooo". At least they were good athletes because public speaking is not in their future. Except maybe Jon. I would listen to him.

After a long morning I change back at the United Center into more professional clothing.

After I change I grab my hung over fiancé and drive down like I would to go to Johnny's ice house

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After I change I grab my hung over fiancé and drive down like I would to go to Johnny's ice house. I stop a few blocks before with a smile tattooed on my face. There was a bunch of little kids of all ethnicities and ages and sizes stand in the back between the parking lot and the building by the football field. A red ribbon tied to the front of the building ready to be cut.

I get out the car and Patrick comes over to grab my hand. He laces his fingers through mine as he smiles down at me.

"I'm so proud of you" he says and I feel my heart skip. That honestly meant the world to me.

"Thanks Patrick, I love you. So much" I remind him.

"I love you too baby."

We go over and the people who actually made this place said a few words. They helped me turn my dreams into a reality in less than a year. I know it wasn't easy and there was so many changes made to this place. It had to be done to be able to keep the ice at the right temperature and have enough space for kids to put their backpacks and coats. We had to find people to tutor after school and serve breakfast to those who can't get it at home. We had to find someone to clean up the basketball court and workout room and ice and it was honestly exhausting with how much has been going on. But we did it, we made a safe place in Chicago to advance the kids' athletic and academic abilities. To find who they want to be and opportunities that aren't just handed to them like everyone else.

I step up to the steps and stand behind the microphone. I look out to all the kids smiling up at me. Their parents taking pictures as I pull out my papers.

"Hi everyone" I start and they respond accordingly. "I wanted to thank you for coming out. Patrick and I and this team of amazing people have worked very hard to build this place.

I grew up in this city, not too far from here actually. And I always loved coming home, the people and scenery here are second to none. I've been to many amazing places but there truly is no place like home.

And while Patrick isn't from here this is still home to him. This city has taken him in and claimed him as it's own. And he wanted to help me give love back to the city that has given us so much. We felt like this city is the best in the world and we wanted to help somehow someway.

So one day I was thinking about this old abandoned gym I pass to watch Patrick practice almost every day. I drive past it and in the back of my mind I always wanted to know what this place could mean to someone. Like a blank canvas to a artist I saw this place as something that can be beautiful and valuable. To me, when there is something like this place that could mean so much but somehow means nothing, that bothers me.

Because this city is amazing, but it has its share of its problems. And now that I am pregnant and expecting my first child, to think about my kid not being able to have the opportunity that other kids have is upsetting. This city houses more dreams than opportunities to reach them, and I wanted to change that. I don't want a parent worrying about their kids having enough time to study and work out. I don't want a parent to take off from the job that pays the bills to take their kid to practice. I don't want a parent to have to choose between their child and their house.

So Chicago Knights was born. This is a place where kids can get some help, talk to a friend or a tutor about life at home or life at school or life in general. Then they can blow off steam at the basketball court or in the weight room. If they want to try hockey there are skates and sticks and pucks at the ready. Maybe play a game of flag football on the field, who knows. It's a child's future we are trying to construct, so the limits are few.

I hope this place is everything that you wish, either for your kid or for your future. Life isn't always going to be easy, but it most certainly is worth it" I finish.

We cut the ribbon and the kids flood inside. Many of them find the basketballs and go to the court or go to the computers and mess around online. Of course it was all monitored and since it was summer the education section of the building was pretty much avoided.

I find Patrick already in the ice with some kids. He holds a little boys hands to help him skate slowly. I sit back and watch with a smile across my face. This was going to be fun.

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