Forty Seven

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The first week after I got hurt was hard. I wasn't allowed to do much of anything and to me doing nothing is just as bad as doing the wrong things. It's really easy to get lost in your head with no way out. I hated that I couldn't work out or so most things on my own, but that's just the way it had to be until I got better. I got that, I didn't like it, but I got it.

Then after the first week and a half I got into physical therapy. It's not a lot, just moving around and learning how to do things on my own again, but honestly it's better than nothing. Now when people ask how I'm doing I can say I'm getting somewhere because I am.

I'm just thankful that I get to watch the games in the boxes with Emerson because honestly it was hilarious. Her and some of the other girls act like commentators and live feed the game, but they can use profanity. Listening to them was like watching a really bad podcast, but the bad type that made it so good.

Throughout this whole shitstorm there has been one really obvious upside. I get to spend all my free time with my fiancé, and I don't know what I've been missing out on. When I wake up in the morning I join her for some yoga in the living room because both my doctor and physical trainer said it would be good for me and there isn't much else I can do yet so why the hell not? And much to my surprise I enjoyed it. Then again my smoking hot yoga instructor was my girlfriend so there was never a dull session.

Another way she makes this better is what she does to keep my mind off of things. Some of it is just silly stuff like taking me roller skating so I can "just skate" or cooking my steak in the shape of a heart. But I've learned the little things make the biggest difference when you're going through a rough time. And she was great at finding those little things.

This fine morning I woke up in bed but I was alone for the first time in a while. It kinda sucked.

I get up and take some pain medicine before jumping in the shower. I change into grey sweats and a Blackhawks shirt before heading downstairs.

There I find about 15 of my teammates sitting around the table eating a bunch of food. It smelled like bacon and coffee and sounded like the United Center in here.

"Heyyyy there he is" Jonny yells as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"What is this" I ask.

"This was supposed to be surprise for you to hang out with the guys but apparently the only orders they take is from the captain" Emerson claims coming over to me.

I couldn't get the smile off my face as I look around and see my favorite people gathered around my living room.

"Did you do this" I ask.

"I did. I know you love me, but you love your boys too. And since you haven't been able to go to road games and eat with them and mess around I figured I would bribe them over with food and trick them into spending time with you" she smirks.

"You are the best fiancé ever, did you know that" I ask pulling her closer to me.

"I try to be" she smiles. I give her a kiss and I hear some the guys causing a commotion. I break apart sooner than usual to shut them up and she smiles up at me.

"I'm going to go get a drink with some of my friends and you're going to spend the morning with yours. Let them know I have cameras all over the house and if they break anything I'm sending them the receipt" she threatens and I laugh.

"I got it. Thank you... for everything" I say.

I give her one last kiss before she leaves. I join my guys at the island and fix myself a plate of food.

"Is this what it's like every morning in your house? Just listening to music, watching her cook" Corey asks.

"Pretty much. Sometimes we just have smoothies or go to ihop but usually she makes her food because she wants to know what she's putting in her body" I explain.

"That's a real nice body" he claims and I glare at him. "I know I know, stop being creepy. But I'm not the first guy and I won't be the last guy to have those thoughts going through my head" he defends.

"Trust me... I know" I agree.

I eat my food then we all go to the living room and turn in sports center. It was early March and not much was happening in the hockey world. Me being hurt was the biggest story which sucks on a different level but at least the team isn't dying without me.

"I'm not going to lie, I miss seeing you out there" Sharpy admits.

"What, you have no one to look after anymore" I tease.

"No, I got Turbo and Shaw. But I do mis you making me look good" he claims.

"I don't miss trying to make you look good. That's a lot of work" I joke.

"Yeah yeah, I miss you too" he smirks and I nudge his side.

"So when are you doing to be back" Saad asks and I shrug.

"A few months" I sigh.

"That's rough. At least you got something to keep you preoccupied" Jonathan says wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"And what's that supposed to mean" I challenge.

"It's kinda like you're on a vacation. I mean you've played a lot of purposeful hockey these past years. We all have, but no one has done it quite as well as you. And now you finally have time of your hands and it's actually like you enjoy it" he explains.

"I don't want to but I can't help it. I mean look at this house, look at my fiancé, how am I supposed to be upset with being home all the time" I ask.

"It's okay to feel happy being home. Most of these guys have families too, they know how hard it is to leave all the time. Enjoy this while you can" he assures me.

"Thanks man" I smile.

Eventually we start playing Mario kart and things get rough. But for the first time I wasn't worried about aggravating my shoulder. All I cared about was beating steegers ass on the last course of mario Cart.

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