Twenty Seven

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There was a little theme park in the Olympic village so between games I went off with Patrick's sisters to mess around. He was off at practice and lord knows when he'll be done. It was kinda hard to put a bunch of dudes who usually play against each other together so they could use the practice. So we decided to have some girl time and mess around.

We stood in line for a little amusement ride they have here. We talked about how awesome this place was and how cool it was to be here. Patrick sisters had kind of become my sisters and it's nice to be around a bunch of girls for once.

Eventually I feel a little tug on my coat and I look down to where it was coming from. There was a little girl staring up at me with bright brown eyes and I smile. I couldn't help it, she was adorable.

I bend down so I can see eye to eye with her and she smiles at me.

"Hi Emmy" she says and I feel my heart fill up. She was missing her front teeth giving her a lisp and it was honestly the cutest thing ever.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name" I wonder.

"My name is Sierra" she replies.

"Okay Sierra, how old are you" I ask.

"I'm four and I want to be you when I get older" she claims.

"Me? Why do you want to be me" I wonder.

"Because you're pretty and fight bad guys" she claims.

"You can do that too, I know you can" I reply before poking her side and she giggles.

A older couple appears by us and I can only assume they were her parents.

"I'm so sorry if she bothered you" the woman says standing behind her daughter and I stand up.

"It was no problem, you have a beautiful little girl" I say. "My name is Emerson" I say sticking my hand out.

"Trust me, we know who you are. Our little girl went as you for halloween basically her whole life" the mother says.

"That's so sweet" I admit.

"Do you mind if we get a picture of you and our daughter" the Dad asks.

"It's no problem" I insist. I pick the little girl up and place her on my hip. We take some pictures before she turns to me.

"When are you going to fight bad guys again" she asks.

"When iron man needs me next" I promise and she smiles big. I set her down and she runs to her parents. They thank me over and over again and take off to god knows where.

"That was literally the sweetest thing ever" Jaqueline claims.

"I always love meeting the fans, especially a little cutie like that" I admit.

"Are you really going to go into acting again" Erica wonders.

"Well Black Widow is in almost all the marvel spin offs so there's not much I can do about that. I don't want to sell my rights to that character because I didn't learn all this martial arts for no reason" I defend.

"Fair enough" Jessica nods.

We go on a few rides and have a lot of fun. Fun is never a shortage around those three.

Eventually we get hungry and decide to go eat some food. We find a McDonald's and settle for that because we could actually understand that menu.

"How the hell do you look like that but eat that shit" Jaqueline says picking up the burger I had ordered.

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