Forty Six

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I sit up in the boxes with a bunch of the wives and girlfriends of the Blackhawks players high above the ice at the United Center. It was my favorite place to be besides at home. It was February now and the season was scooting on along and the guys were picking up points.

The wedding was mostly done. We got the dresses and the guys just got their tuxes. Everyone had rsvp'd and had a spot at the tables. All we could do was wait and see what happens at this point.

I sit at a table with Andrews girlfriend Chaunette, Niklas' wife Elina, Brent's wife Dayna, and Duncan's girlfriend Alexandra. We sit and drink a little and talk about whatever came to mind. Anything but hockey, that's for sure.

"Where are you guys going on your honeymoon" Alexandra asks.

"I actually don't know. I just know it has to be far away from here" I admit.

"Is it going to be romantic or adventurous" Elina asks.

"Both hopefully. We've already been to so many places I can only imagine what he has planned" I smile.

"Sounds like a lot of fun" she nods.

After a while the guys finish warming up and we wait for the national anthem. They do the ice show and get the pregame stuff finished and the game was ready to start.

"Who is that" Chaun asks and we all turn around. There stood a little blondie with really good style standing in the middle of the room looking around. She looked confused but she had a pass around her neck she she definitely belonged here.

"Ohhhh fresh meat" Elina claims and I roll my eyes.

"What are you talking about? You guys didn't talk to me the first month I was here" I laugh.

"In my defense I was scared to talk to you" Chaun claims and I shake my head.

"That's silly. I'm going to talk to her" I say hopping out of my chair.

"Why? She doesn't look like someone who stays around her for a long time" Alexandra scoffs.

"Play nice" I say pointing at her and she raises her hands.

"Just saying" she claims and I roll my eyes.

I make my way over to her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and her baby blue eyes meet my green ones. They go big once she looks me up and down and I can see her swallow hard.

"Hey. I'm Emerson" I say sticking my hand out.

"I know who you are" she claims.

"Do you meed help finding something" I ask.

"Not really, I'm supposed to be up here. I'm just not sure where" she shrugs.

"Well who are you here for" I ask.

"Jonathan Toews" she claims and I smile.

"Really" I ask and she nods. "Well let me say welcome to the boxes. The only thing worth noting is that its temperature controlled in here" I assure her and she nods.

"Sweet" she smiles. I was about to ask her name but I hear a loud gasp. I look over and everyone had migrated to the windows. It looks like someone was down on the ice.

"Who is that" I ask.

"That's Patrick..." Chaun says slowly and I actually feel my heart stop beating. I look down and see Jonathan helping him up. I gasp a little and thats when it hit me. He's really hurt.

"Oh my god" I whisper and I feel someone's hand start to rub my back. I see the girl standing next to me trying to comfort me.

"I'm sorry" she says and I give a weak smile.

"Thank you... I trail off after I realize I already forgot her name.

"Lindsey" she says.

"Lindsey" I smile.

After I suppress all the throw up in my throat I go down to the locker rooms. They won't let me in while they evaluate him so I sit to the side and wait and wait and wait some more. Finally the door opens and I let out a sigh. I see Patrick with the team doctor and it didn't look good. He still had his hockey pants on but his jersey and pads were gone and he was icing his collar bone with his whole chest taped up.

"Oh my god" I whisper and turns my way. He sees me sitting there and immediately his face falls.

"I'm so sorry" he says getting teary eyed.

"Why in the hell are you apologizing to me" I ask as I softly grabs his face. Tears threatening to fall.

"I didn't mean to scare you, everyone, like that" he claims.

"I don't care about that. I just want to know you're okay" I claim. He looks straight through me and I knew he wasn't okay.

"Patrick, we need to go" the team doctor says pulling Patrick's attention away from me.

"Meet me at the hospital" he asks.

"Of course" I assure him.

I follow the ambulance over since it wasn't a life or death situation and they weren't going crazy in and out of traffic. They take him into a emergency room and get him X-rays and some medicine to take the pain away.

I sat next to his good side and held his hand tight. I rub the back of his hand as he laid there staring at the ceiling. He plays with the engagement ring on my finger as the IV drips drugs into him. It remains eerily silent as we wait for the results of the X-ray.

Eventually the doctor comes and and you could almost cut the tension with a knife. The Hawks needed Patrick, you didn't need to be a expert to know that. And Patrick needed them just as bad.

"I'm sorry patrick, but your collar bone is completely broken. You will need surgery to repair it and it takes at least 12 weeks to heal" the doctor says.

"That's three months" Patrick says softly.

"At least, maybe more" the doctor adds on.

"How soon can we have the surgery" he wonders.

"First thing in the morning" the doctor assures him.

"Okay... thank you" Patrick replies softly. The doctor exits and I feel Patrick's hand go limp in mine. He starts to sniffle and I could feel my heart breaking for him.

"Can I say something" I ask.

"Please" he begs.

"This is going to sound insane, but maybe there was a reason this happened" I say.

"What makes you think that" he wonders.

"Because you have played a lot of hockey in your time here. Just like I was tired with acting I can tell you were tired of playing. You hardly miss a game and play the most ice time as a forward, besides Jonny, every night. Now you can take the time to get better, let your body heal and find some sanity. Everything happens for a reason. There's a reason I went to that bar that night, there's a reason we felt something there when we woke up, and there's a reason this awful thing has happened to you. If you look at is as a problem that is exactly what it will be. But if you look at it as a opportunity to get better and come back for the playoffs" I explain.

"The playoffs are in two months" he reminds me.

"I know. But with you anything is possible. I know you can get back and help your team win a Stanley cup" I insist.

He sits there before finally turning to me. His hand now grasping mine tight again.

"Thank you" he says.

"For what" I ask.

"For being everything I needed."

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