When I didn't respond the girl kept going.

"I know you miss your dad. Hell, I miss him too. He was always more of a dad to me than my own, but I'd trade places with you in a second. At least you know your dad loved you. My parents didn't do shit, but pass me off to yours. I spent more time here than in my own home when I was growing up." The girl spoke bitterly.

"Their divorce isn't getting to me because we never felt like a family anyway. They never seemed to be in love. All they did was fight. You know I used to get myself into trouble on purpose just so they'd yell at me instead of each other? Sadly it just made them fight more. They'd blame each other for my behavior when it was both of their faults for being shitty ass parents."

I was expecting Aniya to keep going, but she just started laughing. It was weird because she hadn't said anything funny, but she was laughing like she did.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked the girl and she shrugged.

"Because my life is a fucking joke. My parent's marriage was a fucking joke. And I don't give a fuck that it's all going to shits because that's all it's ever been. So no, I will not cry for you. I will not get angry because you think I need to express myself. I'm good. It's all good. Not everyone is meant to have a perfect little life like yours. I accepted that a long time ago. Now like I was saying, I want to fuck one of your fine ass friends and I intend to do so before this break is over."

And just like that Aniya was back to joking. Well, I think she was joking. I wasn't so sure anymore.

"My friends are off limits." I told the girl before leaving my room. I couldn't stand being around her any longer.

I went to the guest room Nadia was in and opened the door.

"Aniya is too much, so I'm sleeping with you tonight." I said closing the door behind me and joining Nadia in the guest bed.

"Well hello to you too, baby"

Nadia chuckled at my obvious irritation and I tried to glare at her, but I ended up smiling instead.

"Hi, Nadia." I said trying to kiss the girl, but she turned her face making me kiss her cheek instead.

"What?" I frowned at the rejection.

"My name is Baby." The girl spoke sassily and I rolled my eyes.

"Hi, Baby."

"That's better." The girl said in approval.

Nadia leaned in to kiss me and I met her half way. She tried to pull away, but I didn't let her. I grabbed the her face and deepened the kiss.

"Nope." The girl spoke breaking the kiss and placing a hand on my chest to keep me back. "This is exactly why your mom didn't want us sharing a room."

I groaned.

"She didn't want us sharing a room because she didn't want us having sex. She doesn't mine us making out." I argued.

"With how you kiss me, making out will lead to sex. That tongue of yours does something to me." Nadia admitted and I tried not to let her see the effect it had on me.

I was beyond ready to have sex with Nadia. We'd waited long enough and everyday it got a little harder to control myself.

"My mom's room is all the way down stairs. If we're quiet, she'll never know." I tried, but Nadia wasn't having it.

"Dani, get your horny ass out of my room before you start some shit we won't live to finish. I'm not getting my ass beat for you. Your mom made if very clear that we weren't allowed to have sex in this house."

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now