34. First Fight

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I apologize for any mistakes or grammatical errors.


By the time we arrived to Dani's house, Dani, Ms. Fuller, and I were exhausted. Our flight was only a little over 5 hours, but Dani and I stayed up until almost 4am playin 2k. It didn't help that we had to be at the airport at 7am. We went at it all night and still ended up finishing with the same amount of wins. We finally agreed to a temporary truce before we passed out on my bed. It was an ugly sight. Mainly because we accidentally cuddled. When we woke up and saw the position we were in, we promised never to speak of it again.

Dani's mother was tired from simply being an adult. When we got to the house we didn't even bother unpacking. We all went to separate bedrooms and got some more hours of sleep.

I was the first to wake up, so I decided to actually take in my surroundings. Dani's house was huge. There were pictures on the walls of her small family and I snuck a few photos of her pictures from middle school for future blackmail purposes. She wasn't kidding when she said she was funny looking. The glow up was real as fuck in that one.

The house had four bedrooms in total and the room I was in had a bathroom that connected to Dani's room.

There was another room that had it's own small bathroom and I assumed that Dani's mother's room had a bathroom as well. Ms. Fuller's room was downstairs while the other three were upstairs. Who ever designed this house must have put into consideration how loud and annoying kids can be sometimes.

The kitchen looked like something off of a cooking show and the living room looked a little too nice to sit in. It was adorned with a 80 inch tv with what appeared to be a surround sound speaker system.

There was also a dining room that looked too nice to even set foot in. The house was impressive and it made me wonder what the hell Dani's mother did for a living. I'm sure her father's career benefited to their high class living arrangements as well.

I felt out of place. I didn't feel worthy of being in this place right now. My old house was a shoe box compared to this. Seeing what Dani came from made me like her even more. She has every right to be some snobby bitch or "Hollywood" as she would put it, but she was one of the most down to earth people I had ever met. Her mother as well. One thing was for sure, the Fuller's were great people.

After looking around Dani's house a little more, I went back to the guest room I was in to take a shower. Once I was done showering I did the rest of my normal routine and just relaxed while I waited for Dani and her mom to wake up. I hated being the first to wake up when I was at someone else's house. It's awkward.

After another hour, Ms. Fuller finally woke up, but Dani was still out cold.

"Do you want some breakfast?" She asked as she made her way around the large kitchen. I was sitting at the island scrolling through my Instagram even though I had no interest in what I was looking at.

"Yes ma'am." I said feeling like a dork. I'm not really sure why. I just did.

"Okay, do me a favor and wake Dani up. She'll sleep the day away otherwise." She spoke with an eye roll.

I got up from my seat at the island and made my way to Dani's room. I opened her door and saw her asleep in a queen sized bed like the one in the guest room I slept in. It was extremely comfortable.

My best friend looked really peaceful and I almost felt bad about having to wake her up.

"Get up bitch." I said dragging Dani out of her bed and laughing when she hit the floor.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now