"Sir, we're nearing the site," an agent informs.

"Kaneki, we have a suit prepared for you, if you follow Agent Hill," Fury said.

"No need, I have my own underneath my clothes," Kaneki tells him before leaving the room to change.

"Such a wonderful ray of sunshine(!)" Tony remarks, sarcastically.

"He is beyond rude," Bruce comments.

"He has no respect for us," Thor agrees.

"Well, he's apart of the team so deal with it," Fury orders before heading down to the other agents.

"Looks like there's nothing we can do," Clint states.

"Why did you guys recruit him again? It's clear that he doesn't want to be here," Steve asks.

"We didn't have a choice," Natasha replies, "it was too risky to send one of you and we need Bruce to help dismantle the weapons immediately."

"Kaneki said if his head is blown off it'll grow back, what does that mean?" Bruce questions, curious.

"Kaneki has a very powerful regenerative ability," Natasha replies, "any wounds or injuries that can kill a person instantly can be healed in a matter of seconds for Kaneki, he won't die easily."

"How did you find him?" Thor inquired. "You would have had to seen his healing ability to know if he could survive such severe injuries."

Natasha shared a look with Clint before saying, "This isn't something that I can share with you all."

"We're nearing the site so it's best to suit up," Hill explains and the group leaves to suit up. They then headed to the Quinjet only to see Kaneki already there but what he was wearing shocked them. Kaneki was wearing a leather gimp mask with an eyepatch. The mask has a lipless mouth, showing off large, gnashing teeth which looks like it belongs to a restrained asylum monster. There were bolts sticking out of the neck which gives it a Frankenstein-like theme. He was wearing a black form-fitting bodysuit with 2 small cutouts near his shoulders and a large portion of the back cut out. Strangely enough to the group he wasn't wearing any shoes which showed off his black toenails which matched the nails on his hand. Add his pale, alabater skin, he looks like a sickly monster straight out of a horror movie.

"... wow..." Tony couldn't help but say after a brief moment of silence as the group stare in shock at Kaneki's appearance. 

The Quinjet leaves the Helicarrier and soon it lands near the Hydra base, during the journey each role was explained to the Avengers. As planned the group had to deal with the agents patrolling the perimeter. Kaneki was then to deal with plasma cannon which will allow the rest to storm the base. They landed near by and Natasa throws them all an earpiece. 

"You all know the plan?" Natasha asks and they all nod. "Great, let's go." The Avengers swiftly dealt with the patrolling agents and had reached one of the entrances to the base. 

"Kaneki, your turn," Steve orders and Kaneki shoots through the tunnel, dodging the plasma shots at the speed of light. It wasn't long till he reached the Hydra grunts and instantly disposed of them.

"It's safe," Kaneki reports and waits for the others to arrive before they lay waste to the Hydra base. They completed the mission without a hitch and went back to the Helicarrier to report to Fury.

"Now that I've done my job, could I go and never come back?" Kaneki asked, bored. He knew the answer but couldn't help but ask.

"No, you're a official member of the Avengers and you're still a liability," Fury states, immediately. "You're a danger to the public so there's no way we can leave you unchecked."

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