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a longer one, to celebrate 400 reads and the upcoming end of this book, hope you all like it :'D


*Clary's POV*

"If I would ever tell one of my friends that I just kissed Synyster fucking Gates, they wouldn't believe a single word.", I smiled, as Brian suddenly let go of me and jumped back.

"You know?!", he asked, kind of shocked, causing me to laugh.

"Of course I know! You guys are from Huntington and so am I, I love metal music...I just didn't say a word at first because I didn't want you to think I'm a fangirl or so..."

He looked at me, his eyes seemed so much darker than seconds ago and were filled with pain.

"Listen, Clary. I meant it when I said that I am in love with you. If it's just a bet who fucks which rockstar first, then I've gotta disappoint you. If you're close with the band then you know that I've been through a lot and how difficult it became for me to open up to people. You got something deep down inside of me, but if I'm only Syn Gates for you, then I probably thought wrong about you."
As he turned around I realized what big of a mistake I had done. He started walking away while I was desperately thinking of how I could make him stay.

"Brian, please!", I called, feeling tears filling my eyes, "I meant it too. I like Avenged, I am a fan, okay? But you're fascinating to me, you touched something inside of me as well, do you hear that? The last guy that kissed me was my ex-boyfriend that used to fuck me whenever he wanted! When I got rid of him, I swore to myself that I would never ever kiss a guy again, until I would find somebody I truly felt something for and you are this guy, Brian! But please don't walk away from me because I know that you will go into the next goddamn bar and drink that Jack Daniel's...and I don't want you to do that..."

A tear ran down my cheek when he finally turned around.

"Are you serious or did you just say that to stop me from walking?", he said with his rusty voice.

"I meant it, Brian. Honestly. I know how it feels to get his feelings fucked, it's something you've been through and I have as well. I don't want to hurt you...I love you way too much for this."
It seemed like an eternity to me, before he finally walked back to me and hugged me tight, pressing his head down my chest.

"Can you promise me something?", he whispered, probably also close to tear up.

"What do you want?"

"I know, I'm an asshole and a very difficult person...but can you stay with me, as long as you can?", he asked, making me completely lose my shit.

"I will", I cried, "I will, Brian."
I lifted my head and my lips met his again, putting all of our emotions from the little fight into this kiss.

"Clary, this won't be easy for both of us, but...", he waited for a second, "will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't do else but smile as he asked me this, hugged him and kissed him and just felt like the happiest girl on earth.

"I would love to", I finally managed to answer.

We kissed one more time, then sat down in the sand.

"I want you to trust me, Clary, and I want to be open with you...what do you know or want to know about the past year of my life?"

He looked at me, completely serious and I was impressed by this gesture.

"Well...I do know that you spent some time in jail because of your ex-wife and I know that you got into a fight at the club next to our bar...but I don't judge you for that. Because just as I said, I am a fan and I've followed you guys for a while...and I also know that you're not always like that."

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