I only wish you weren't my friend

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Guys, I'm soooo sorry I let you down for such a long time...but I'm already working on the next chap, I hope, I won't let you keep waiting that long again!


*Matt's POV*

Last night was the first night in a while, Brian slept for more than one, two hours. He even ate his breakfast this day, and the next day, and the day after that. That gave me the feeling, everything would be okay again, that he was on a good way back to normal.

"Matt? Cam you call Syn for dinner?", Val asked me.

"Sure.", I nodded and made my way down to my studio, where Syn mostly spend his time playing guitar. His wrists were fully healed and you could see how much he missed his guitars. With a smile, I watched him finishing the riff, before I slightly knocked on the door.

"Brian? Ya coming? Val made dinner."

But his reaction to me came out of nowhere.

"You don't have to babysit me, Matt.", he said, with his voice cold as ice.

"Whoa, Brian...I...I'm not babysitting you, I just told you, that dinner is ready...", I stuttered, still surprised where that came from.

Brian put his guitar down and stood up.

"You keep constantly babysitting me, Matt. More than that, you're controlling me! Brian eat something, Brian sleep now, Brian here, Brian there! I'm a grown up man, you got that?!", he yelled at me.

What the fuck happened, that he was acting that aggressive?!

"Brian, what-", I started, as he interrupted me.

"No Brian, no more fucking Brian, no more fucking Syn! Thanks for your caring for me, Matt, but your over caring! Tell Val, I'm not eating dinner with you, I'm gonna get my stuff and move back to my apartment in downtown!"

He had an apartment in Huntington?!

"You've got an apartment?", I carefully asked.

"Jim and I bought it years ago as a second place while we were in the studio", he explained to me and my anger rose higher.

"Then why didn't you get back there earlier?! Didn't you want to be babysitted?! You asked me to stay with you in the nights, you didn't eat at all and made us worry! Afterwards it feels like you wanted our attention. And now you just got rid of it, it pisses you off and so you're moving out, am I right?!", I screamed. When it comes to Syn, I couldn't control myself. I loved this guy from the bottom of my heart, I felt his pain just as I felt mine and since his "big brother" Jimmy left us, I wanted to protect him. Cause Jimmy asked me for that.

The night before he passed, he wrote me a text around midnight. "Whatever happens, take care of Brian. He shouldn't become more broken than he already is. He deserves to smile again. Protect this little fucker from himself, Matt. It's your turn now to keep him alive."

I didn't understand his message at first, 24 hours later it was all clear to me. And I took this text as my lifetime task. Jimmy loved Brian, they were more than normal close friends, more like soul brothers with bromance vibes. And I knew, how important Brian was to Jimmy. All that he ever wanted was a smile on Brian's face and he passed this task on to me.
Since that night, I changed my view of Brian, I was able to look behind his masquerade, see his true feelings he kept hiding for so long. But I wasn't even sure if he had ever noticed that, if he ever knew about Jimmy's text.

Darkness Surrounding (Synyster Gates Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя