unconditional love

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the "last" Mac and Brian chapter for a little while, before focusing on A7X a bit more...

leave some reviews please, this is what keeps me going!


*MacKenna's POV*

Furiously I stormed into the living room.

"You didn't just say that to him?! What is wrong with you?!", I shouted at my dad, who was just starring outside of the window.

I felt a hand putting on my shoulder and heard my mom's voice whispering in my ear.

"Schhh, sweetie, calm down..."
I felt tears building up.

"How can I stay calm if my father just made my brother run away...? What is if Brian does something to himself now?", I asked her.

"I am sorry, okay?!", my father screamed out, "but someone needed to tell the boy to act responsible again!"

"Brian, that is right. But you didn't had to bring his child on the table! That's something that will never stop hurting."
I watched my parents fighting until I had enough.

"I will go after him", I whispered and left the room, not even sure if they noticed me going away.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys and my phone and went outside. But where to start searching? My brother could be a never ending mystery if he didn't want to be found. My first intention was Jimmy's grave, but wouldn't that be too obvious? Like everybody would look there first. I heard a whimper behind my back and as I turned around, Pinkly stood there, looking at me with big eyes.

"Hey Pinks", I said kneeling down and cuddling here, "wanna join me in searching your papa?"

Don't know what a yes means in dog language, but she started following me as I went down the street.

"You've got any idea where your dad could be?", I asked here, but of course I also didn't get an answer.

I took out my cellphone...calling him would be useless anyways, right? I didn't know why I even tried it, but to my surprise he answered the call.
"What'd you want?", he said with shaky voice.

"Where are you, Bri?" I asked him.

"Why do you wanna know that? Did dad send you?"

Oh screw it, someone was acting stupid again...

"It's just Pinkly and me worrying about her dad and my brother, so...?"

I heard him breathing.

"Beach...when you walk down our street and then turn left. I'm just sitting here in the sand alone, Pinks will find me."
I smiled and ended the call, before we went down the road towards the beach.

As soon as I felt the sand under my feet, Pinkly started running. That's when I saw my brother, now cuddling his dog. Slowly I walked to him and let myself sink down in the sand. Without saying a word I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him to my chest. Gently rubbing through his hair, I heard how he let out a silent cry.

"Schhh, Bri...I'm here with you...", I started calming him down.

"Just tell me...how could he?! How could he say that?!"

His voice was full of pain, I felt with him.

"I don't know, Bri. I don't know..."

"You know you did it right when even your own father blames you for not properly killing yourself", he bitterly laughed and pulled away from me.
"Brian!", I gasped, "he did not say that!"

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