we've gotta move on dear

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long time no seen ;D 

But I managed to keep on writing (fun fact: I'm almost finished with book 2 while still having troubles to continue with book 1) and now I proudly present the next part. There will be a fewof boring chapters coming ahead, fillers that I need to continue the plot. That's also the reason why I decided on making two short books and not a long one...I just say plot twist .--.

So enjoy this one, book 1 will have 18-20 chapters in the end, so there's not much left to be said. And leave a comment, I haven't heard of you lovely people in ages, are you still reading or am I talking to myself? ;D


*Brian's POV*

When we came home, Suzy had already talked to my dad, so he came and apologized to me. For a while, we spoke to each other, made things clear before we went to bed.

Clearing the air with my dad: check.

The doctor's appointment wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, I didn't like it there, but at least he gave me the okay for playing guitar.

Getting back into the band: check.

Still left on the list were getting together with Matt and returning to the studio, so I called my singer. It rang three or four times until he picked up.


He sounded somehow tired...I blamed myself for that.

"Matt, hey...Brian here."
Damn, there was so much I wanted to say, but nothing left my throat.
"Brian, I...", he started, "can I call you back later? I just..."
"It's about the studio", I said quickly, before he could add something else, "I can play again, we can continue recording."

"Oh...", was all he said.
"And Matt, I need to talk to you. When I say, that I feel truly sorry...I mean it, okay? I never wanted to hurt you like this and I did it so often the past weeks. I want to sort things out with you, okay? I'm afraid of losing our friendship. And I know I acted like a total dickhead and saying sorry won't be enough for you to forgive me. And I know you can't believe my promises to never let this happen again, but I mean it, Matt. I miss you, I've did things to you I never should have...and I wish I behaved differently...I just quickly wanted to say that and I hope to see you then in the studio", I said out of breath and wanted to end the call, because I felt fucking guilt and awkward.

"Brian, wait", Matt said softly, "don't hang up, please."
"Okay...", I whispered, afraid of what would be next.

"You don't need to apologize for nothing. I forgive you and already forgot about it. I'm happy to have you back in the band and I really look forward to hang around with you again. Cause I miss you too, Gates."
I smiled into my phone.
"Thank you, Matt. When are we meeting up then?"

"Well...what about tomorrow? The studio is ours, the record company already wants to kick my ass cause we're renting the studio for so long and crashing all deadlines so...as quickly as possible."
"Yeah, tomorrow sounds fine. Will be there around 9 AM, do you call the band?"
"Will do, see you then, Bri."
We said our goodbyes and hang up.

Making peace with Shads and going back to the studio: check.

-the next day –

After a very good night of sleep, I woke up pretty early, so I had enough time to shower, get ready and have some breakfast before I had to go to the studio. I packed some stuff, grabbed the two guitars I had at home and loaded them into the car. While everybody was still asleep at home, I silently left the house and made my way to the studio. When I arrived, nobody was there cause I was way too early.

Darkness Surrounding (Synyster Gates Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now