Chapter 21 [Ibiki sensei!]

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Ayame POV
As I was having a little chat with my new recruits, Ibiki came. Did I ever mention he's my best friend. We have a lot in common.

"Ibiki sensei!" I said running over to him while taking off my anbu penguin mask.

"Oh. Ayame! For a thousand times call me Ibiki. " He said patting my head. "We've someone were going to be interrogating later."

"I'll be there! Just in case he doesn't spill anything." I said with a big smile under my mask.

"Thanks Ayame. You've always been a big help with our interrogations. Well see ya." He waved.

I waved back and put my anbu penguin mask back on.

"Captain, wasn't that Ibiki Morino? It was said that he was really strict and hard to approach." Dragon (Sasuke) said.

"Well he was like that to me. Not anymore. Not after that incident, oh he would never." I said.

"What happened? Can you tell us?" Rabbit (Miwi) asked.

"Sure. Since we're done with today anyways." I replied.


Now I was around 9 then. It was a normal day. I was just walking down the streets.

"Ayame Hatake. Lady Tsunade asks for you." An anbu said.

At the hokage's tower...

"Lady Tsunade. You summoned?" I said entering the room. I saw someone else there. "Who's that?"

"This is Ibiki Morino. Commanding officer of Konoha's torture and interrogation force." Lady Tsunade said. "Ibiki. This is Ayame Hatake. She's the one."

"That brat? Are you sure I'm seeing things right? She's probably not even 10!" Ibiki said.

"No I'm not 10. I'm 9." I said.

"See! An average Nakamura only awakens the Sliver eye when they're 12 or older. " Ibiki said.

"I already know that. But Ayame here awakened it at 6." Lady Tsunade said. "Ayame I want you to train with Ibiki for a change. You might learn something new."

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"Ayame. We're training at training ground 66." Ibiki said.

"Yes sir. I'll go there right after I informed dad." I said, leaving.

At home...

"Dad! I'm going to go train with Ibiki sensei! Lady Tsunade told me to." I said.

"Ibiki?! Is Lady Tsunade out of her mind? But I guess if she ordered you to I can't oppose either. Take care of yourself okay? Don't push yourself too far." Dad said worriedly.

"Yes dad! I'll be going now! Bye!" I said, leaving the house.

Surely Ibiki sensei didn't think I can't  climb the clift at training ground 66 did he? I always used to train there.

At the trading ground...

I climbed up the clift. "Ibiki sensei! How did you get up here without climbing? Teleporting?"

"Yes. It's the body flicker technique." He said.

"Can you teach me how to do that? Please Ibiki sensei?" I said.

"Fine. The body flicker technique is a high-speed movement technique. By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination." He explained.

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