Chapter 12 [The anbu captain]

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Ayame POV
The door slid open. I expected both Sasuke and dad to be there. Instead only Sasuke was there.

"Hey Sasuke. Back from your mission?Where's dad?"

"Kakashi sensei is at the hospital. He used up too much chakra during the mission. I'll be visiting him later, want to tag along?" He said.

"Of course!" I replied.

After an hour or so, we head off to the hospital. Sasuke stayed outside, I entered the room to see dad reading his books.

"Hey dad! How did your mission go? How are your wounds? You'll recover soon right? When will you be discharged?"

"Calm down Ayame. The mission was good. The doctors said I should recover in a week or so." Dad told me.

"Oh nice! I'll stay by your side for a few days. I wish I can stay longer but I'll be going on a mission in a few days." I said.

"It's alright I can handle myself. You should go home and rest, didn't you just come back from your mission?" Dad said.

"Okay then. Take care!" I said leaving the room.

Sasuke went home with me. I wonder why he even came here when he didn't go in to talk to dad or anything.

Third person POV
"You can take off your mask, this isn't an anbu mission. You will be join team kakashi in Kakashi's place for this mission. Your code name will be Yamato." Lady tsunade said.

Yamato took off his mask. "Yes

Then Lady Tsunade explained the mission to him. He was going on this mission with Akira her captain in the anbu, Naruto, Sakura, and Sai a previous member of ROOT and now is an anbu. Lady tsunade said Ayame, Kakashi's daughter requested that Sasuke look after Kakashi while she was away on her mission so Sasuke won't be tagging along for our mission.

Yamato met up with them before either mission and told them all about it. After explaining the mission they set off.

"Hey Captain Yamato, why is penguin mask tagging along again." Naruto asked.

"Hey! Show some respect to Captain!" Yamato said as he immediately realized his mistake. "I meant Akira."

"Captain?But aren't you captain, Captain Yamato?" Naruto asked.

No one answered his question. Sakura didn't seem to know what was happening either but didn't ask.

"Try to restraint yourself from calling me Captain for this mission. We dont need anymore trouble here." Akira whispered to Yamato.

"Yes okay captain. I mean Akira."

Akira internally face palmed.

On the journey there, Sai and Naruto didn't really get along. Sai kept roasting Naruto, Sakura and Yamato tried to get Sai to stop but he wouldn't. However when Akira told him to stop, he stopped immediately. Sakura gained suspicion.

Yamato disguises himself as Sasori and goes to the Tenchi Bridge to meet the spy while Naruto, Sakura, Akira and Sai hide nearby. The spy, Kabuto Yakushi, begins telling Yamato about Orochimaru's organisation, but they were interrupted by the arrival of Orochimaru, who teams up with Kabuto to fight Yamato, having intended to kill Sasori. Team 7 comes to his aid and Orochimaru, recognising them, taunts Naruto.  Naruto is enraged and strikes him, using his version 1 form to make his attacks more devastating. Naruto's rage intensifies as he submits to the Nine-Tails' influence: he destroys the Tenchi Bridge and eventually advances to his version 2 form while fighting Orochimaru. Naruto is soon forced back to the destroyed bridge, where, unable to tell friend from foe, he unwillingly attacked Sakura. That was before Akira put him under her genjutsu, which made Naruto unable to move.

Then, Yamato suppresses the Nine-Tails' influence with his wood release, but its chakra leaves Naruto's body badly damaged. After Sakura heals him, Naruto wakes up unable to remember what happened, but is surprised by the devastated landscape.

After that, they all made their way back to the hidden leaf. On their way back, they once again started a conversation.

"Sai... Why did you obey Akira quietly just now when you didn't obey any of us?" Sakura asked Sai.

"Yeah!" Naruto added on.

Sai looked at Akira not knowing what to do.

"Go ahead... Tell them." Akira sighed.

"Well you see Sakura, Naruto. Akira is the captain of the anbu. All of us anbu take orders from her." Sai said truthfully.

"Is that why Captain Yamato called her Captain?" Naruto said.

"Yes indeed Naruto. Akira is Captain of the anbu and the Captain of my team." Yamato replied.

Sakura and Naruto both looked at Akira, impressed.

"If she's the captain of the anbu why is she going on missions like this with us? And why is Captain Yamato Captain instead of her?" Naruto asked.

"Hokage's orders. Got a problem with that?" Akira shot at Naruto without even turning at him.

"Hey Captain Yamato. Why does Akira wears her mask on this mission when you don't?" Naruto whispered to Yamato so Akira wouldn't hear.

"Well Naruto. Nobody has ever seen what's under that mask of hers. Not even her own team mates." Yamato whispered back.

"Is she really that strong?" This time Sakura asked.

"Well no one has ever seen her fight to her full potential before." Yamato answered.

"You know. I can hear you loud and clear right?" Akira said.

"Sorry Captain! Please forgive me." Yamato immediately apologized.

"What?!It's not possible for anyone can hear us! We were so soft!" Naruto yelled. Sakura nodded in agreement.

Akira smirked. It was true they were speaking very softly. However Akira could hear things really well. She trained herself to.

When they reached Konoha, Akira went to report the mission. Yamato tagged along.

After hearing their reports, Lady Tsunade told Akira that most of the missions are already done and that she'll summon her if they're any missions she needs her to be on.

Akira was given a break, for now...

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