22 // Kingdom of Love

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2004 Tree Hill, North Carolina

It was springtime in Tree Hill.

Basketball season was over, and Lucas Scott was now living in North Carolina with his uncle Keith Scott. Haley James married Nathan Scott, and Aurora James felt alone. She knew she wasn't alone, she still had Peyton, because Brooke was gone visiting her parents, but she still felt alone inside. She wasn't mad at Haley, she was overjoyed for her and Nathan. It just stung that their parents got to see them get married and she didn't, especially since Haley is her twin and Nathan has been her best friend for nine years.

"Hey," Aurora said as she let herself into Peyton's bedroom.

"Doesn't anyone ring a doorbell in this town?" She asked. Aurora laughed as she shrugged her shoulders. The reason she and Brooke were always able to get into Peyton's house is because they knew where the spare key was. That was also why Peyton never freaked out whenever they came because she knew it had to be them because they knew about the key.

"Some do, I don't. Let's go," Aurora said. Peyton raised an eyebrow as she looked at her.

"Where are we going?" Peyton asked.

"It is day two of the Aurora and Peyton hoes over bros reunion tour, so move it," Aurora said as she walked out of her room. She waited downstairs for her, but she noticed her friend was taking a while. She walked to the bottom of the stairs and yelled out for her. "Come on, you fake blonde goldilocks. Let's go!"


"Aurora, what are you up to?" Peyton asked as the girls were walking down the docks. Her brother, Alex, who attends college at Duke University was meeting them down here. One of his friends owns a yacht and he said Alex could use it while his family was vacationing elsewhere for their break.

"Alex is meeting us down here. His friend said we can use his boat," Aurora said. Peyton raised an eyebrow as she looked around and then she saw him. His golden brown hair looked even more golden in the sun as he approached the girls.

"Ari!" Alex exclaimed. Aurora looked up and smiled at her brother as he approached. Once he did, he reached out and wrapped his sister in his arms. "Hales really got married?" He asked. Aurora nodded and shrugged.

"Yup, she did... anyway, where's the keys?" Aurora asked. Alex laughed as he rolled his eyes and then he turned to Peyton.

"Hey, Peyton. How are you?" Alex asked.

"Good... nice to see you again," Peyton said. Alex smiled as he gestured for the girls to follow him. "Are you sure your friend is okay with us using his boat?" Peyton asked.

"Yeah, he gave me the keys himself," Alex said as he laughed.

"Peyton, look at us and look at this day. We're basically a beer commercial, and as Alex just said, we have permission. It would be wrong for us to not take it. So, let's go," Aurora said as they walked onto the boat. Alex went to the front and put the keys in the ignition. Aurora smiled as the yacht roared to life.

And Alex took them out into the sea.


After they were out to sea, Alex put the boat in park. Peyton and Aurora were tanning on the deck, while Alex was taking a nap in one of the bedrooms. He had stayed up late last night, but he had promised Aurora he'd take them out on the boat, so he just wanted to take a nap before he joined them.

"Listen, do you hear that?" Aurora asked. Peyton's face scrunched up in confusion, but Aurora still had her eyes closed.

"Hear what?" Peyton asked.

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