10 // Come Back

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

"It's not that hard, alright? Peyton and I just don't make sense as a couple. We're better as friends. She even said so herself." Lucas Scott explained to his best friend, Haley James, as they walked across their school's campus the morning after the awkward encounter that happened at his house.

"And then she took it back," Haley said.

"Now, what are you, her lawyer?" Lucas asked.

"No... look. I've seen Peyton really try and make an effort to turn things around, and it just sucks that she got bit the first time she reached out to someone, you know?" Haley said.

"Haley, I'm not the bad guy here. Peyton's just... it's too hard," He said.

"Unlike Aurora, who is nice and easy, is that what you're saying?." Haley said. Lucas immediately shot his friend a look.

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all. She makes me laugh, and she's honest. She's not afraid to be herself, okay? Plus, she's not covered head to toe in issues. What's so bad about that? I thought you'd be happy Aurora and I are dating?" Lucas asked.

"And I am... as long as you're dating for the right reasons," Haley said as she looked up at him. "Peyton has always been your first choice since 8th grade, so you better not be dating my sister just because Peyton didn't want you."

"...-Come on, Hales... you know it's not like that at all..." Lucas said, and Haley shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, Lucas, fine. If you are happy, so am I... but if you hurt my sister, I will kill you," She said. Lucas raised an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"Are you? Happy." He said.

"Yeah." Haley immediately responded, but he wasn't sure if he believed her.

"I hope you're right."


Meanwhile, Aurora James was walking across the school campus with headphones in her ears as she blasted her music. Since she was a child, Aurora has always been involved in dance teams, tumbling classes, and competitive cheer. Her dream job is to become a choreographer one day, have her own dance studio, and hopefully make a name for herself. She's also really into theater and wouldn't mind being in a Broadway ensemble. Peyton saw her friend walking but didn't see her headphones and started waving for her. She wanted to ensure there was no awkwardness between them after what happened last night with Lucas. Peyton walked up to Aurora and tapped her on her shoulder, which made Aurora pause her song and look at Peyton.

"Hey, I've been two-waying you all day. Where have you been?" Peyton asked. Aurora shrugged her shoulders. After Peyton went home, Aurora stayed at Lucas' for a bit, but then she left because she just felt weird about the whole thing. It's always nagged her in the back of her mind that Lucas has always had a crush on Peyton, and she's had self-doubts for a while that maybe Lucas is just settling with her. 

"Just around, really..." Aurora said.

"I wanted to talk to you about Lucas... I know I left so quick the other night." Peyton said.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Aurora asked. 

"Did he tell you what happened?" Peyton asked, and Aurora shook her head. 

"I honestly didn't stick around much longer after you did," Aurora said, which shocked Peyton. 

"I was just returning a CD I borrowed," Peyton said. Aurora knew that she was lying because if Peyton were just returning a CD, the atmosphere wouldn't have been as awkward as it was, but Aurora decided she wasn't going to push her on it.

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