14 // Believe

2.9K 84 4

2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

After receiving her sister's phone call, Aurora James rushed to the hospital. Lucas had been in an accident, and nobody knew how bad it was. When Aurora got there, she saw Keith in the waiting room, but she hadn't noticed Karen yet.

"Keith. Keith, is he okay?" Aurora asked as she ran up to him. Keith looked at her with a frown on his face.

"Oh, honey. We don't know yet." Keith said as Aurora sniffled.

"I was supposed to see him tonight. I was gonna come over after you guys got back because I couldn't wait to hear about Karen's time in Italy." Aurora said. Karen cleared her throat, and that's when Aurora turned around and noticed her. "Karen, oh, you're back." She said. Karen wrapped her arms around Aurora, which made the brunette let out a breath of relief.

"Hi, honey." Karen greeted her.

"Who's here for Lucas Scott?" The doctor asked as Aurora and Karen pulled away.

"I'm his mother. Is my son okay?" Karen asked.

"He's stable and in recovery. He needed a lot of work. His right lung collapsed and had to be repaired. I had to remove his spleen, but there shouldn't be any long-term repercussions." The doctor explained, and Aurora felt like the wind got knocked out of her.

"So, you're saying he's going to be fine?" Karen asked.

"He'll need physical therapy for his shoulder. It separated in the crash, but we were able to reset it. Other than that, he has a concussion and some bruising. But there was a complication during surgery." The doctor responded.

"What?" Karen asked.

"Your son lost a lot of blood, which caused his heart rate to drop. We lost him for a few seconds. But as I said, he's stable now. And all of his vitals look good. So we just have to wait for him to wake up." The doctor said.

"When will that be?" Karen asked.

"Could be a couple of hours, could be a couple of days. That's up to him." He responded.

"Thank you," Keith said.

"You're welcome."


"Hey." Aurora knocked on her sister's door after coming back from the hospital. Lucas was still unconscious, so she wanted to check on her sister because she was surprised when Haley said she wouldn't come to the hospital with her.

"Hey, why aren't you at the hospital?" Haley asked.

"Well, I was coming to ask you the same thing. Come back with me. Keith and Karen both asked about you." Aurora said, and Haley sighed.

"I just can't go over there right now," Haley said, and Aurora frowned. She had no idea that Haley was holding onto information about Lucas that would hurt her, and Haley didn't want to hurt her sister. She wanted Lucas to be brave enough to tell Aurora the truth.

"Hales, did something happen? Because you've been acting really weird." Aurora said.

"Lucas and I got into a fight, and when the accident happened. The last thing I said to him was the next time we see each other, don't talk to me." Haley said, and Aurora frowned.

"Hales, you obviously didn't mean it," Aurora said.

"Aurora, what if I can't take it back? What if he doesn't forgive me?" Haley asked.

"Haley. Luke loves you, and he will forgive you. When you're ready to see him, call me, and I'll come to pick you up, okay?" Aurora said, and Haley nodded her head.

A Tide of The Affairs || LUCAS SCOTT [1]Where stories live. Discover now