13 // Hanging by a Moment

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

A few nights ago, Lucas Scott did something he wasn't proud of. 

He went with Peyton to identify a body because they didn't know if it was her dad or not. And when they returned to their motel room, they ended up kissing... more like making out, but they didn't have sex. They stopped themselves when Peyton's hair got caught in a pooka shell necklace Aurora gave Luke years ago after a family vacation. She brought it back for him, and he's worn it ever since. 

Lucas didn't tell Aurora what happened, and neither did Peyton because they had agreed to bury it. The next day at school. Lucas had walked up to Peyton's locker. "So, how's everything with your dad?" He asked. 

"It's fine, thanks," Peyton responded. 

"Yeah... and how about with us?" Lucas asked.

"It was a moment of weakness, right? I've been feeling guilty about it all weekend." Peyton said.

"Me too..." Lucas agreed. 

"Listen, let's just bury it and pretend it didn't happen, okay. Aurora is your best friend, and she's my best friend too. I know we slightly fell off in middle school, but we've been friends since third grade, and that means something to me." Peyton said, and Lucas nodded his head. 

"Sure." He said.

But he wasn't sure if he could forget it. He knew he had strong feelings for Aurora, and he always has. But he didn't know if maybe the fact that he finally kissed his middle school crush made him think he had feelings for Peyton that may not be there. 

Either way, he was confused.


Later that day, Aurora was with Nathan, and the two of them went to the Rivercourt to hang out and talk. Aurora had noticed that Lucas was being slightly distant, but she was trying not to be one of those paranoid girlfriends, so she decided she would give Lucas his space, and he would talk when he was ready. But when they got to the river court, they saw something interesting.

Haley was trying to make a free throw.

"Was that your jump shot? Because if that's your jump shot, I can't date you anymore." Nathan said, which made Haley laugh. "Came by the cafe to see you and Aurora, found Aurora, and my mom said you'd be here. Something about a grade?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah... you cannot be here right now," Haley said as she shook her head.

"Why not?" Nathan asked.

"Because I look stupid," Haley said.

"Hales... you realize we've both seen you in your crocheted poncho... nothing is more embarrassing than that," Aurora said, which made Nathan laugh, and Haley rolled her eyes as Nathan gave her the basketball back.

"Come on, this is more embarrassing, and I don't want..." Haley turned to Nathan. "...you to think that I'm embarrassing." She said.

"You don't embarrass me, Haley," Nathan said, making Aurora smile.

"Oh, yeah? Okay..." Haley said. She attempted to reshoot the ball, but it missed the hoop entirely and went to Nathan. He easily caught it and shook his head. 

"Okay, I take that back." He said, and Aurora laughed.

"I can't do it," Haley said.

"Hales... yes, you can," Aurora said.

"She's right. Alright, square your shoulders to the basket. And you've got to bring the ball up, right past your nose like this..." Nathan said as he positioned the ball correctly in her hands. "Okay... now bend your knees a little. Relax your hips, and just shoot." Nathan said. Haley took his advice, and her shot hit the rim that time.

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