07 // Glass House

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

"All I remember is you, me, Aurora, and Tutor Girl in my car, and then Lucas and Nathan, and then Aurora said something about being into Lucas, but it could've been Nathan, and I need to know," Brooke said as she, Peyton, and Aurora were walking outside of school the next day.

"Need?" Peyton asked.

"There's three of us and only two of them. So, there are not enough Scott boys to go around, but I guess we could all pass them around from time to time. Win-win." Brooke said. Peyton and Aurora looked at each other and shook their heads, and then they approached Lucas, who was sitting at one of the outside tables.

"Hey, broody," Brooke said to him. Lucas looked up and saw all the girls standing over him, smiling.

"Hey, cheery... Ari... Peyton." Lucas said, which made the girls smile. Then Brooke looked over at Aurora because she figured that Aurora would want to talk to him alone.

"Of course, as always," Aurora said as she sat at the table. Peyton winked at her, then she and Brooke walked away, and Aurora turned to her best friend. "So, what's the deal, Luke? Are we going to hang out at this annual kiss Dan's ass party? That's what Nathan and I call it." She said as she laughed a little, and Lucas shook his head.

Dan and Deb host an annual fundraiser for the basketball team every year, and the cheerleaders also have to attend. Aurora usually goes to support Nathan because she knows Nathan hates being at it every year.

"Yeah, right. Like I'm going to spend the night with Nathan and Dan on my Friday off? I don't think so. I'd rather stay home with The Great Gatsby. You can stay with us. I know it's your favorite book." Lucas said, which made Aurora smile because he was right. That is one of her favorite books.

"You're right, it is... but I read an even better one last night," Aurora said, and Lucas raised a curious eyebrow.

"Oh, really? What was it about?" He asked.

"It's about this guy and this girl... they've been best friends for years, and they have this weird vibe going on, and they've kissed a couple of times, but then there's all this drama. The guy has also had a crush on another girl since 8th grade, and the main girl has another best friend who just so happens to be the guy's brother. So, the whole thing climaxes at this big party at the brothers' evil dad's house." Aurora said. Lucas laughed, but he was still interested to see where she was going with this.

"Really? Hmm. What happens in the end?" Lucas asked. Aurora shrugged as she stood up from the table and looked down at Lucas.

"I guess you'll just have to show up and find out," Aurora said. She leaned down and kissed Lucas on his cheek, which made him smile.

Then she made her way to class.


"You coming to my dad's kiss his ass party?" Nathan whispered to Aurora while they were sitting in class. The teacher gave a slideshow presentation that few people were paying attention to. Aurora looked over at him and smiled.

"Of course. When have I ever left you to fend for yourself?" Aurora whispered back, which made Nathan laugh.

"Maybe you can help me out in some other ways too." Nathan teased. Aurora rolled her eyes, but she still laughed a little.

"Nathan, we agreed we weren't doing that anymore," Aurora said, which made him laugh.

"I know, I was just teasing you. But, do you remember last year's party?" He asked.

A Tide of The Affairs || LUCAS SCOTT [1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora