12 // Polite Conversations

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

"Good morning, sir. Table or counter?"

Aurora was at work the following day because she had nothing to do. Lucas texted her, saying that he would be helping Brooke and Peyton with something for Peyton's dad and asked if she wanted to come too, but she told him she had already picked up a shift. After their conversation last night, Aurora hoped they ended on good terms, but she did go home.

"Um, actually, I'm looking for Karen... oh, Aurora!" She heard the man say. Aurora had only glanced up when she heard him walk in, but she hadn't thoroughly looked at him, so hearing her name shocked her, and as she looked up, a broad smile spread on Aurora's face.

"Oh my gosh, Grandpa Royal!" Aurora exclaimed before giving him a hug, which he chuckled and gave back to her. Since Aurora grew up with Nathan, of course, she knows his grandparents, but they don't come into town a lot; she was wondering why they're here.

"Well, you've definitely grown since the last time I've seen you." He said when they stepped away, which made her laugh.

"Well, it has been several years. But, uh, Karen is in Italy right now, for cooking school." Aurora said to him, which made him smile.

"Good for her." He said while nodding his head. "How's that boy of hers doing?" He asked. Aurora wasn't surprised that he was asking about Lucas. Dan and Karen dated in high school, so of course, his parents know her, and of course, they know she got pregnant. Lucas is their first grandchild, technically.

"Lucas is great. She calls every once in a while. Do you want me to tell her that you stopped by?" Aurora asked him. He shook his head.

"No, that's alright. I'll catch her the next time I'm passing through." He said, and she nodded her head.

"What's the special occasion today?" She asked.

"Danny's birthday. We're having dinner at the house, why don't you come by? You are Nathan's oldest friend, and you've always been family." He said.

"Are you sure? I mean, I doubt Dan would want me there." Aurora said.

"Don't mind him. Come, I'm sure Nathan would love to have you there, and May would love to see you." He said, which made Aurora smile. She felt like she could never say no to Nathan's grandma. May is the sweetest person ever.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight."


"Hey, so your grandpa came into the cafe today," Aurora said to Nathan as they walked past the shops lined up downtown. Haley was with them, and Nathan looked surprised. "He invited me to dinner tonight." She said, which didn't surprise Nathan. His grandparents have always liked Aurora.

"Is it gonna be that bad?" Haley asked.

"A massacre. My grandma's okay. It's just my grandpa is pretty intense. You've met my dad; just imagine where he comes from." Nathan said.

"Scary," Haley said.

"Yeah, you should also come tonight. Maybe it will make everyone behave." Nathan said to her.

"I'll come if you want me to," Haley said, laughing.

"No, I wasn't serious. I wouldn't put you through that. Aurora, you don't even have to come." Nathan said to her. Aurora shook her head while smiling at him.

"I already told your Grandpa I would be there. I can't take it back." She said, and Nathan laughed as he shook his head.

"And Nathan, if you're asking, then, of course, my answer is yes," Haley said.

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