21 // Playing Ourselves

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Basketball Game

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Tree Hill Ravens basketball, brought to you by webcast at Ravenshoops.com. I'm Mouth McFadden, and the playoffs are finally here. So, throw out the perfect record if the Ravens lose this one. It's over."

The boys were in the locker room, Dan Scott as their fill-in coach since Whitey is getting surgery. It wasn't too far-fetched to say that the boys hated Dan as their coach, especially Nathan and Lucas. "Tonight's obstacle is Masonboro. If you win, you're one step closer to a state championship, an undefeated season of greatness. Lose and be losers." Dan said to them. Nathan and Lucas met each other's eyes at the same time.

Nathan passed the ball to his brother.


Earlier That Day

Nathan and Lucas Scott were at the river court together. The brothers had been spending a lot of time together. Getting to know each other and form their own opinions of each other. They bonded over basketball, some of their experiences due to Dan, or the lack thereof. They were seeing each other as real people.

They were seeing each other as brothers.

"You know, all this working out doesn't mean anything if you can't hit the shot," Nathan said when Lucas missed another shot.

"What's wrong with you?" Lucas asked. He knew whatever was making Nathan angry wasn't him. So Haley must not have forgiven him yet, but Nathan wasn't ready to fess up.

"I'm just saying it's a waste of my time to get you ready for this game if you can't score when we need it," Nathan said, and Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Hmm. Give me the ball." Lucas said. Nathan passed the ball back, and Lucas easily knocked down the shot. "Now, do you want to tell me what's really wrong?" Lucas asked, and Nathan sighed.

"I guess, uh... I guess I'm just dealing with Haley." Nathan said, and Lucas nodded his head.

"Ari and I really tried... but she's still not talking to you, huh?" Lucas asked, and Nathan shook his head.

"No... she's not."


Basketball Game

"Just moments away from the beginning of this playoff game. Winners advance. To the losers, well, their season is over. Dan Scott is standing in for Coach Whitey Durham, who is out with an illness. Not sure who signed off on that one, but let's hope Coach Durham gets well soon."

Deb Scott was looking at her soon-to-be ex-husband from the bleachers. The team was still on the court warming up. Aurora was on the sidelines with the rest of the cheerleaders doing stretches. Lucas looked at Nathan, who had been scanning the bleachers for Haley.

"You alright?" Lucas asked. Nathan let out a deep breath before turning to Lucas.

"Have you seen Haley?" Nathan asked. Lucas frowned as he shook his head.



Earlier That Day

Aurora and Haley James were coming home from school. Aurora was driving through the pouring rain. When the girls got out of the car, they saw Nathan waiting outside in the rain. "Nathan, you're soaked; what are you doing here?" She asked.

A Tide of The Affairs || LUCAS SCOTT [1]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα