04 // Crash

7K 207 25

2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

"Hey, can I catch a ride with you to Nathan's party later?" Brooke Davis asked Aurora James as they stood on the sidelines, cheering at the basketball game that was currently going on. Nathan was throwing a party after, which sometimes he does, at his parent's beach house, but Aurora was surprised that Brooke was asking her for a ride and not Peyton.

"I didn't think you were going. I figured you'd be hiding out in Lucas's backseat again." Aurora teased, which made Brooke smirk.

"Jealous." Brooke teased.

"Nope," Aurora responded.

"What? I could see it. You're both so broody, and you've been friends forever. You could brood together... forever." Brooke said. Aurora rolled her eyes, but then she started laughing. She's not that broody, not on Lucas's level.

Once the game was over, the Ravens had won, their perfect record was still perfect, and as Aurora walked out of the locker room, she could hear Tim apologizing to Nathan, saying that Lucas had a better angle on the shot than Nathan did. Aurora paid no attention to that conversation as she walked over to Lucas as he walked away from his mother.

"Two good games in a row? It seems like these kisses are really working out in your favor." Aurora teased him. Lucas laughed before wrapping his arms around his best friend and hugging her.

"You didn't kiss me before the game before this one," Lucas said, and Aurora shrugged her shoulders.

"Dumb luck," Aurora said. The pair laughed, and then Nathan Scott walked over to them. Lucas assumed Nathan had walked over to talk to Aurora, so he fell quiet when Nathan approached.

"Two decent games in a row, man. Getting better or just lucky?" Nathan said. Lucas looked at Aurora, and Aurora looked at the ground because she didn't want to get in the middle of whatever was going to happen. Then she looked at Nathan.

"What's up, Nate?" She asked.

"Team's got a party tonight. At my parent's beach house." Nathan said, and he was still looking at Lucas.

"Why are you telling me that?" Lucas asked.

"Because, I said the team, didn't I? Look, it's kind of the off-season. Might as well deal with it." Nathan said, and then he walked away from the pair, and Aurora turned to Lucas.

"Well, I'm Brooke's ride, so... maybe I'll see you there?" Aurora said. Lucas chuckled a little and nodded his head.

"Yeah, maybe."


Aurora stopped at the beach house with Brooke in the passenger seat. Aurora was still surprised that Brooke asked her over Peyton for a ride. Not that Brooke isn't her best friend too, but she usually does ride to parties with Peyton. Then Aurora will usually give her a ride home because Peyton usually spends the night with Nathan, and Brooke is ordinarily drunk as hell.

"Every time I ride with you, I swear I'll never do it again," Brooke said, and Aurora laughed as they got out of the car. Aurora's parents got her a Jeep Wrangler on her and Haley's 16th birthday.

"Oh, whatever. You know I'm a better driver than Peyton." Aurora said, and Brooke rolled her eyes but still laughed.

"Okay, true," Brooke said, turning to Aurora. "Keys?" She asked.

"Tempt fate," Aurora responded. As they were about to walk up the stairs, Tim was approaching them, and Aurora felt that she knew what he was about to say.

A Tide of The Affairs || LUCAS SCOTT [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora