03 // Truth?

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

It was game day, and Aurora James was pleased about it.

She always loved game days, but what made this game day particularly exciting for her was the fact that Lucas was playing. She was happy that he decided not to quit the team. It wouldn't have been as fun with him gone, and they would've only had pictures from one game to document the moment.

"Under twenty to go, Ravens trail by 2."

Whitey had called a timeout, and the cheerleaders were doing one of their typical crowd cheers to get everyone excited to cheer on the guys; when the guys broke their huddle, the girls moved back to the sidelines, but Nathan took the opportunity to squeeze his best friend around her waist lightly, which made her laugh as she hit him with her pom-pom. Back on the sidelines, she caught Lucas's eye and winked at him.

"You're doing great." She mouthed to him, and Lucas smiled at her before he returned to focusing on the court.

"So, a quick timeout and the Ravens take the court, their undefeated record at stake. Eighteen seconds left on the clock. They need a basket to tie or a 3-pointer for the win. Jagielski to the inbound finds Tim Smith out top. We're under 10 seconds now. Smith dumps it down to Nathan Scott, and he's double-teamed, but he forces up a 7-footer. It kicks off the rim. Jake Jagielski, though, with an offensive rebound, with under 5 seconds on the clock. Jagielski out to Lucas Scott; he's behind the three-point line. The Ravens are going to win or lose it right here."

While the ball was passing through the air, the silence was so thick. It was as if everyone in the room had held their breath to see what would happen next. The opposing team and their fans hoped that Lucas missed, while The Ravens and their fans hoped that Lucas made it. And right as the buzzer went off, indicating that the game was over.

The ball went in, and the basket was good.

"Unbelievable. Lucas Scott with the 3-pointer at the buzzer and the Tree Hill Ravens are still undefeated! And I tell you what, if you're going to play the Ravens this season, you better take notes. There's a new Scott in town."

Everyone stormed the court after the game, and Aurora immediately ran to Lucas and jumped into his arms. Lucas laughed as he caught her and spun around a few times. Then Aurora rested her hands on his shoulders while he was holding her up by her thighs.

"You did amazing! The game-winning 3, at the buzzer! What the hell, dude! Who are you?" Aurora exclaimed, making Lucas laugh as he put her down on the ground and hugged her again.

"I couldn't do it without your support."


Lucas and Aurora both changed out of their uniforms in the locker rooms; Aurora came out first, so she waited for him, leaning against the wall that led into the separate locker rooms. When Lucas did walk out, she linked her arm through his, and they started to walk over towards Karen and Keith. "Nice game, Lucas," Keith said when they approached. "Hi, Aurora." He greeted her, and Aurora smiled at him.

"Hey, Uncle Keith." She said as he and Lucas high-fived.

"Thanks," Lucas said to him.

"You rock. For a kid that was about to quit, that was something to see." Keith said, and Aurora nodded her head in agreement. She was so happy that Lucas didn't quit, and now she was thinking that Lucas was probably happy that he didn't quit.

"But I picked up fouls too early and was slow getting back into it," Lucas said, and Aurora rolled her eyes.

"You also made the game-winning shot at the final buzzer; shut up," Aurora said, which made Keith and Karen laugh, and Lucas rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling. 

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