11 // Living Years

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

"Here we go. This is the writer I was talking about." Lucas Scott said to Aurora as they were in the library together. Aurora smiled because she and Lucas used to come to the library and hang out; as lame as that sounds, but they're book nerds. They would always see who could read the most books the fastest, or they would pick out books for each other. Anytime they spent together, they always made it fun.

"Somerset Maugham. Interesting." Aurora said.

"Human Bondage," Lucas said the book title, and Aurora raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, Lucas, I didn't take you for the kinky type." Aurora teased, which made him roll his eyes. "You're lucky. I also have a book for you." She said as she slid it across the table. Lucas picked up the book and raised an eyebrow.

"Looking for Alaska?" Lucas said, and Aurora smiled.

"John Green. It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, and if it doesn't, then you are heartless. It truly pulls on you." Aurora said. Lucas chuckled a bit before putting the book in his bag.

"I promise I'll read it," Lucas said.

"And I'll read your kinky book as soon as I finish The Viscount Who Loved Me. I'm almost done. Kate and Anthony are finally married." Aurora said. Lucas gave her a look for calling his book he recommended kinky, which made Aurora laugh more. Then a smile finally cracked on Lucas' face as he looked at her.

"And I'll read your romance book, only because I thought this would be a better opportunity for us to hang out and spend time with each other. I feel like I haven't seen you." Lucas said.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Don't worry. I'll read all about bondage; then it's your turn to pick a hangout spot for us."


"So, who's the guy?" When Aurora caught up with Peyton, she saw her sitting by herself, looking down at a notebook and smiling. Maybe she was drawing something new.

"What guy?" Peyton asked when she looked up and saw Aurora was standing there.

"The one that's got you smiling?" Aurora asked with a teasing smile. "Is it Jake?" She asked.

"No, actually. That would be my dad." Peyton said.

"Oh, well, you know... Brooke would be smiling too, but for a whole different reason." Aurora teased, which made Peyton roll her eyes.

"Dude, that's my dad! Don't go all horn-dog on me. There's a line." Peyton said, which made Aurora laugh, and then she sighed. "What's going on?" Peyton asked.

"I don't know... I just feel like Lucas, and I aren't connecting..." Aurora said.

"What do you mean? I thought you were already doing that. You've been friends forever." Peyton said.

"Exactly! I think that's what it has to do with. We've always been friends, and I feel like I don't know how to be his girlfriend, if that makes sense." Aurora said.

"I mean, the only difference between being friends with a guy and being his girlfriend is that as the girlfriend, you have sex," Peyton said.

"Right... Maybe I'm just paranoid, and nothing is wrong." Aurora said, and then Peyton reached in her bag and held out a CD.

"You know what, give him this," Peyton said as she held it out.

"Travis?" Aurora asked. She knew that she and Lucas had very different music tastes.

A Tide of The Affairs || LUCAS SCOTT [1]Where stories live. Discover now