01 // Pilot

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Aurora James.

The twin sister of the best tutor in Tree Hill, Haley James. Aurora always calls her a miracle worker because she can make even the hopeless students pull excellent grades. Aurora never knew how she did it, but she was proud of her. Aurora and Haley were twins, but they were polar opposites. Haley is more of an introvert, very into her studies, and likes to keep to herself.

Whereas Aurora is an extrovert. She is a good student but has a good student/life balance. She never lets her grades slip, but she always knows how to have fun and loves meeting new people. Haley is a tutor. Aurora is co-captain of the Tree Hill Ravens along with Brooke Davis. But despite their differences, there is one thing they have in common.

Their best friend, Lucas Scott.

The twins met Lucas when they were eight years old. Aurora met him first and then introduced him to Haley, and the three of them have been inseparable ever since. Lucas and Aurora had an interesting start, but she wouldn't change anything about their relationship. Aurora loves Lucas more than anything, but maintaining a friendship with him over the years has been difficult because of one factor.

His half-brother, Nathan Scott.

Aurora met Nathan two years before she met Lucas when she was 6. So, when she did meet Lucas, she was a little hesitant to talk to him because she thought she was 'betraying' Nathan. But since she and Nathan were so young at the time, he didn't care, but as they've gotten older and Dan has put more and more negative thoughts into Nathan's head, Aurora can see that Nathan tries to act like her relationship with Lucas doesn't bother him, but she knows it does.

Lucas acts the same way. They both have terrible poker faces.

As co-captain of the Tree Hill Ravens, Aurora has been friends with Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer since first grade, and the trio grew up cheering together. But, Peyton and Aurora fell off around the time Peyton started to develop feelings for Nathan. She was jealous of how close Nathan and Aurora were and even asked Aurora if she would 'back off' a little bit so she could get to know Nathan more. Aurora said she wouldn't stop hanging out with her best friend just because Peyton was insecure.

Aurora is still cordial with her because she is Nathan's girlfriend, and they're both friends with Brooke, but other than that, they don't hang out anymore or talk the way they used to. Aurora missed her, Peyton was one of her best friends, but she wasn't going to beg anyone to be friends with her.

Aurora was currently walking towards Karen's cafe. The Ravens had a game tonight, it was an away game, but Aurora drove because she doesn't like riding the bus with the team, and she always comes to the cafe after games because she knows Lucas and Haley will be there. Aurora and Haley both work at the cafe, but during basketball season, Aurora mainly works weekends since they have school during the day and then either practice or games in the afternoon.

"Hey Karen, Lucas," Aurora said when she walked in. Lucas was sitting at the counter, and he turned around when he heard Aurora's voice; then, he smiled as he looked at her cheer uniform.

"Nice outfit; who won?" He asked. Aurora rolled her eyes because Lucas asked her that every time she came to the cafe after a game, and the answer was the same every time. Aurora walked over to join him at the counter and dropped her duffle bag next to his basketball.

"We did, of course. What about you?" She asked. Since she saw his basketball, she knew he was at the river court and probably played a pickup game with their other friend, Skills. She knew Mouth probably commentated on the game, and then Junk, Fergie, and Jimmy watched.

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