06 // Night Story

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2003 Tree Hill, North Carolina

Haley and Aurora James, Peyton Sawyer, and Brooke Davis were all in Brooke's car. Peyton was driving, Haley was in the passenger seat, and Aurora was in the backseat with a passed-out Brooke. Peyton had turned on the radio, and the girls had bonded throughout the night. Aurora felt like her and Peyton's friendship would get back on track after two years.

"Come on, baby." Haley sang along with the music as they continued down the road.

"We need some new music," Peyton said as she took her hands off the wheel and leaned towards the radio. The James sister's eyes widened at Peyton's actions. Aurora had been sitting up between the two seats so she could be more involved since Brooke was passed out.

"Peyton!" The twins yelled at the same time as Haley grabbed the wheel. Peyton laughed and quickly changed the station before she grabbed the wheel again and moved back onto their side of the road.

"Sorry." Peyton apologized to them, but Aurora knew she wasn't actually sorry.

"Where the hell are we?" Brooke Davis asked as she slowly woke up and took in her surroundings. Also, the area they were in was pitch black, and there were no street lights, so she couldn't see where they were.

"Miles from normal," Haley said from the front. Brooke looked at Aurora and was confused; then, she looked up front and looked at Peyton.

"Okay, I get why she's here," Brooke said as she pointed to Aurora. "But what is she doing here?" Brooke asked as she pointed at Haley.

"You invited her, Brooke," Aurora said as she laughed a little. Peyton and Haley laughed too because they knew that Brooke didn't remember that she invited Haley to come with them. Peyton turned up the radio which made Brooke wince and grab her head.

"Ow!" She exclaimed.

"Alright, what's next?" Aurora asked.

"How about we let Haley pick?" Peyton said. Aurora was shocked because Peyton usually never lets anyone else choose music. Peyton was their designated music person.

"Alright," Haley said as she started to turn the dial and make her way through the radio stations until she landed on a song that they all liked. As Peyton continued down the road, Aurora noticed two figures in the street, and they were walking towards the car.

"Wait, Peyton, do you guys see that?" Aurora asked as Peyton slowed the car to a stop so they could see who was outside walking towards the car. When they saw them, the girls were shocked.

"Could this night get any freakier?" Peyton asked. The two people in front of them were Nathan and Lucas, and they weren't fighting or trying to kill each other.

"Nathan with Lucas?" Haley asked.

"And they're not trying to kill each other, a miracle," Aurora added. The Scott brothers were also confused when they looked inside the car and saw the James sisters with Peyton. Nathan knew Aurora and Peyton weren't friends anymore, and both brothers knew Haley was never friends with Peyton, so they were equally confused to see the girls together. Brooke sat up from the backseat again and looked at her friends.

"What the hell is going on?"



"Hey, strangers." Haley James said to Lucas Scott and her sister Aurora when she approached them outside school. They were currently walking around campus and making their way to class.

A Tide of The Affairs || LUCAS SCOTT [1]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora