The First Birthday & The First Season

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Today is the big day. Our little girl is one. One year ago, I didn't think this little girl would come that soon and I didn't imagine having her early. One year ago, I didn't think a little baby would help grow the family when it was just Chase and I. One year later, Mia is precious and I couldn't imagine life without her. And it's all because her daddy felt the same way as I did when we first saw each other at the pizza place I used to work at. This year flew by fast. And now, the family tradition of having this TV show will continue with the next generation.
We arrived at Chase's parents house where they allowed us to throw her birthday party in the backyard. The party looks absolutely amazing when I saw Chase finish tying up the last balloon on the post and I'm holding Mia's hand. She's growing up too fast because she's always wanting to be on her feet.
"Hey, babe. So what do you think?" He gestures his body movement so I can see the whole view of the yard.
"You did a really good job, baby. I'm so proud of you. Thank you for setting it all up while I was getting this little one ready. Right, Mia?"
She clapped her hands in front of her face, laughing. Chase and I laughed at her silliness and I believe she got that from her daddy.
The camera crew starts preparing for the filming while Chase and I get a quick few photos with our daughter before rolling. The camera was all ready as the family does what they normally do while filming and I'm happy taking care of Mia.
After everyone ate some lunch, it was time for dessert. I put a small cupcake down in front of her high chair and remove the pink candle once Chase and I blew it out for her and clapped in celebration. Mia dived right in the frosting, destroying the cupcake. "I think her favorite color is going to be pink. Just like your Aunt Savannah."
"Say Dadda", Chase encourages Mia to speak.
I giggled. "Don't listen to Dadda. Say Mamma."
Mia stopped playing with the cupcake, looking at us and said, "Mmhm" with her sassy attitude and stuck her tongue out getting every last bit of the cupcake.
"Maybe next time." Chase puts a bet on it.
"Maybe she'll say mama first." I challenged his bet. I threw in a smirk with that statement.
Once, the party was coming to an end as everyone had fun while it lasted. It was time to stop filming so our family can enjoy watching Mia or Chase and I open her presents she got from everyone. The family and I entered in the living room, opening presents. It was getting late after the day was whining down. And Mia is fuzzy so all three of us should head out. All hugs and kisses and thank you's were all spreads as we said our goodbyes. A few minutes later, Chase put down Mia after she had a fun filled day and having too many goodies today. I patted on the bed, telling my husband to come get his rest and to relax with me. He climbs into the bed, snuggling with me, kissing me, and starts with his sexy talk.
"What do you say, honey. Should we have another one?"
I slapped the side of his body. "Goodnight." I laughed at him.
"Oh, come on, babe. I know you would want to slap me more than that one time."
"Maybe in another year or two."
"Well let me remind you how good it was the first time from a year ago."
"We will have the first of many to do whatever we want. Go to sleep now."
"Alright fine. Goodnight. I love you." He kisses me on my lips before I rolled back to the position I had when I was ready to go to sleep.
"Goodnight. I love you, too."


The First [COMPLETED✔️]  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें