The First Child

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9 months ago, I carried this little baby that's been growing inside of me. 9 months ago, I didn't think she would ever come so soon but I'm glad she's here, happy and healthy. The labour was the longest process of my life. And I thought my accident was the most painful thing that's ever happened to me. This labour put me through hell but I wouldn't want to trade this experience for the world. Her daddy even went to the gift shop and got a small teddy bear for his little girl just like the one he got me on our first year anniversary.

I started having the contractions at one a.m. It was hurting me in between the five to seven minute range which meant I was ready. Thank goodness I already had a bag pack after the wonderful baby shower my sister pulled off for me about a month or two ago. Chase took the bag and helped me get in the car so we can drive to the hospital. I started to have more pains once I jumped out of the car. Doctors rushed outside to help me sit down on the wheelchair and took me to the baby delivery room. Chase stood back and called the family, letting them know that today's the big day. The other big day.

29 hours later, it took me a few pushes and she came into this world. The sound of my baby crying was a relief and a disbelief because although, I don't want my daughter to be sad, I'm glad she's alright. No complications. Just a happy, healthy, beautiful, baby girl. Chase kissed me after they took the baby to go get her cleaned up and take down any information needed for the birth certificate. On August 3rd, 2023, a princess was born.
       "What are you going to name her?" The assistant nurse asks me as she hands me my baby to hold.
         I looked at Chase and then at our precious bundle of joy. "What should we name her, honey?" I've never been more happy and proud of something to call mine.
         "Whatever you want to name her." He tells me.
           "What about.... Mia Nicole Anderson."
            "I like it."
            "Then, that's her name."
             The family comes knocking on the door with an overload of gifts in their hands. The family came to meet the newest addition to the family. All smiles and giggles carried on throughout the room.
             "She's beautiful", my father in law tells me.
             "She's absolutely precious!" My mother in law also, tells me.
              "Adorable!" Savannah confesses.
               I handed Mia to Chase and grabbed my phone to take a few photos. The nurse walks in as she gave us the paperwork for little miss Mia. "Alrighty then, it looks like this little girl can go home to her mommy and daddy now. Good luck with everything. And once again, congratulations.
We finally got to take our little girl home now after being in here for the past day and a half, maybe close to two days. She was such a good girl in the car ride home. I just wish I was sitting up in the front with Chase. Maybe once we have a routine down, she'll be okay back there if she always stay sleeping and quiet.

The past few months later...

It's been rough taking care of a newborn. She's a lot of work. She's hungry every two hours and if she's upset, it's because she either wants her diaper change, to be burp or is too cranky and needs to be put down for a nap. I wish babies love sleep during the nighttime as much as they do during the daytime. Sometimes, I don't even remember my name when Chase even tries to call my name for attention. He helps me at night because he's willing to wake up and feed Mia so I can get my rest. He's such a morning person so he can make up with no problem Unlike me, I'm the complete opposite.
           Only a few more short months until it's Mia's first birthday. Wow, I can't believe how much time has been spent when you have a little family of your own.
           "Honey!" I called for him as I'm settling Mia down for a nap in her nursery.
           "Yeah", Chase calls out.
           "We need to finish talking about her birthday party."
           "We got everything, don't we?"
           "Well you know me! I have to make sure everything is perfect for our daughter. I want her to have a happy life and not the life I grew up in."
            "So are we missing anything?"
           "I don't know. Let's go over the checklist I have." And I find the list.
           "Here we go with the list again." I saw he rolled his eyes at me and I rolled up the piece of paper to smack him hard on the arm.
            "Ow! It was a joke, relax."
         "One day, you'll appreciate my list." I rolled open the list to make sure we check everything off twice. "You're going to pick up the cake tomorrow?"
            "Yes dear."
           "And the balloons?"
           "Okay. And the decorations?"
            "I will handle everything, babe. I'm the king is throwing parties."
            I growled at him. "Then, make sure this is good birthday party. She only turns one once, you know."
            "I got it, baby. Don't worry", and Chase pulls me in for a quick kiss and a rub on my back. "Oh, so my dad wanted to know if it was okay to film the new season of this TV show we've done for a few years now with of welcoming their granddaughter for the birthday party. What do you think?"
"I don't see the problem with it. Why didn't you tell me you were on a TV show, silly? I knew something was unfamiliar about you."
"Because you saw the real me when you were new to town. You didn't fan girl like everyone else does. And I love that about you. You're real with me and don't care about what you see on the screen. You look at me and treat me like no one has ever done. You see me as a real person. And I love you for that."
"You could've told me." I put my hands on my hips, staring down at him.
"Oops", he raises his hands up, shrugging his shoulders.
"One condition, though."
"What's that?"
"I don't want them filming any fights we have together or anything without my consent especially since our daughter will look back at this."
"I'll take care of it, you, and our daughter and this family, okay?"
"Okay." I reassured him.

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