The First Forgiveness

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It's been a week and a half and I think I should pull myself together now. No more lounging around. It's time I get back on my feet. I pulled the covers off of me, made my bed real quick, add a little makeup, threw on some comfortable clothes, grabbed my car keys and as soon as I open the door, I saw flowers on the ground. I wonder who sent me flowers? I picked up the nicely wrapped flowers off the floor, went back inside the apartment, shutting the door now. I guess I won't be going out now. I'm lost as to who dropped flowers at my doorstep. While putting the flowers in a vase with water, a card fell on the floor. I went to pick up the card on the floor and there's writing on there. So I read the card and it says:


I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable and I'm sorry for how I acted. I should've never been a jerk towards you. Please call me. I miss you. And I hope you will give me a second chance.



Wow. The gentleman that I saw before our first date went downhill is still there somewhere. I didn't even think he would give me flowers or even talk to me again after what happened. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and dialed for his number.

"Grayson, how could you make a basket when I can't?" Chase asks, while playing outside with his younger brother.

"You gotta be on my level, son", Grayson talks all cool like.

Phone rings.

"Oh my gosh", Chase says as he looks at the name popped up on his screen.

"Aren't you gonna answer it?" Grayson asks him.

"Hello?" Chase finally picks up the phone.

"Hi, Chase", I started a conversation now.

"Hi, Ashley. How are you?"

"I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm fine. Listen I'm so sorry for ---",

I stopped him. "No, don't apologize, it's okay. I'm the one that gave a bad first impression and it's just, I never been on a lot of dates and I just let my thoughts get the best of me and I spoke without even thinking and it was---",

"No, it's not", Chase cut me off. "It was my fault for how I acted and I shouldn't act that way to any girl, especially you. Ashley, I really like you."

"Really? After the way I've been acted? I acted like a teenager who was afraid to go to school because the bully got the best in her."

"I still like you either way. Besides, this was a good thing in a way that we know how we both would act if we got into an argument."

"I guess you're right. But um, listen, I wanted to call you and thank you for the flowers. It's really beautiful! I already put them in a vase and everything."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like them. So does that mean..."

"Ugh!" I said, not realizing I made that sound though the phone as soon as I started to have pains.

"Are you okay, Ashley. What's wrong?" Chase panics a little.

"Hold on a second", I said. I put the phone down on the table and went to the bathroom to see what was wrong. "That's just great", I yelled in a distance, hoping Chase didn't hear that through the call.

I came back from the bathroom and return to my call. "Ah!", I said as I sat down, now uncomfortably. I sat there for a few more minutes and decided to lay down on my bed with the heating pad on, laying it across my lower stomach area.

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