The First Loss

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      "YOU WHAT, ASHLEY?" Chase's voice is loud and stern. I've never seen him get so angry before because our relationship has been nothing but it's ups and downs and happiness most of all.
        "I'm sorry!" I yelled out. My eyes are swollen from crying from the past couple of hours now. It honestly was a mistake. I didn't mean for it to happen.
          "DID YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THAT WAS?" His shouting still continues which makes me cry even more because I'm just scared of him and everything else after that.
            "It was by accident." My voice is so dim and it hurts because I just couldn't stop crying.
              "HOW CAN I FIND IT WHEN IT IS SMALL AND COULD BE ANYWHERE!" I yelled back. I held my throat because it hurts to even raise if after being upset.
                "I didn't know it was going to fall off me if my body is cold and I don't feel the difference between thickness and thin. How am I suppose to know that? Am I a doctor or something? No, I'm not. And I made ONE mistake, Chase. JUST ONE! And you rub it in my face. It's not like I lied to you. I told you as soon as it happens."
           "Yeah, well if anybody finds it. It's a free gift to them but I paid money for that gift to be given to you. You are so careless, you know that? Huh? Unappreciative, too, I should add."
             "I can't believe you said that!" More tears are bursting out of me. "That is one of the meanest things you've ever said to me." I ran out the door with my hand gripped to my purse handle.
              I had to run away. I couldn't stand being so hurt and depressed back there. My heart aches as I continued to walk down the streets with the high winds blowing, the cold crispy air thickens, and the fog appears to be covering my view. But what do I care, right? I don't know where else to go and I figure Chase is headed to his parent's house now. So that option is crossed off. I kept walking through the busy streets and saw the traffic was being backed up, as always. I didn't even think to grab a jacket. How stupid am I? I just needed to escape. Maybe he was right. Maybe I can be careless just a tab. Because of the fog and I didn't see any cars coming from the amount of times I looked left and right, I decided to walk on the pedestrian crosswalk until an accident occur.
                       Chase's POV
           An hour later, Todd's phone rang. "Hello?", he greets the phone.
           "Yes. Am I speaking with Mr. Anderson?"
              "There's been an accident that might be involved with a young lady you know. We have her driver's license. Ashley. Do you know her by any chance? She has you listed as one of her emergency contacts on her phone."
               "Yes. I know her. That's my son's girlfriend. Is everything alright?"
                 "Right now, no. She's on her way to the hospital if you would like to meet up with me there."
                  "Will do, thank you."
                  "Everything alright, dear?" Julie comforts Todd.
               "No, everything is not alright. CHASE!" 
                "What's sup?" I asked my father.
                 "Don't what's sup me. Your girlfriend is in the hospital."
                 "What?" My voice starts to creek low.
             "Let's go. We are going to find out what  happened." The drive was quiet as I can only imagine the possibilities of what could've happened. I'm really worried about her. She means everything to me and I'm stupid to let her walk out that door.
            My father and I went up to the front desk, asking to see Ashley who were taking in by police men.
                   "Are you family members of Ashley?" She asks us.
                     "We can't just visit her?" I desperately cried out.
              "Unless you are, I can't let you in. The room she is in is the ICU  area. Only family member permitted to have access to that floor in the hospital. My father and I gave each other a glare before I thought of an idea.
             "That's my fiancé in there. And this is her future father in law. Please just let us in there. We are the only people she's close with around here. She's new to town and she doesn't have any family here besides us. Please, I beg of you. Please let me see my fiancé."
            The lady looks at us with sympathy. "Alrighty", she gave us a visitor's pass and placed the sticker on our shirts. "Good luck with everything."
            We both went up to the ICU area and asked that front desk where Ashely's room was. She told us the number and sprinted down the hallway to see her. Once my father and I found her room, he gave me a little push to go see her first while he makes some phone calls. I went in and she still looks beautiful even with the scars on her hands and a little scraped up on her face. "I'm so stupid!" I started talking to myself. "I shouldn't have never let you walk out that door angry. I know you might not hear me Ashley but, I'm sorry. I really am. Please stay strong. I need you here."

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