The First Fight

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     The food is arriving while I'm laughing so hard at his story. Chase told me he would run around in his underwear on his head and tied a shirt close to his collarbone, thinking he was Superman saving the day. He's laughing as much as I am because I know he knows that is so silly of him. This hang out/date idea of him wasn't so bad. I never felt like this before in a long time. Not even while I was back home.

     My life back home was a dull. Sure New York was so expensive and it's so big and entertaining because it's one of the largest cities in America but it was so boring where I grew up. There was no such thing as fairs where I lived unless you drive upstate, you have to drive through the parkway in order to try and avoid traffic if you wanted to go to the mall, and all I basically did was stay at home. I've been so depressed with my previous breakup from when I dated someone from my junior year in high school and when we broke up two years later as soon as I was starting college, it really bothered me. I never wanted to leave my house, not even my room. I ignored my friends who thought it was okay to all of a sudden come back into my life.  I also, see all my friends posting that they are hanging out with their other friends and not think to invite me or ask me if I had plans. I basically don't have any friends so that's why I decided to focus on my studies, graduate, and move somewhere further south. I don't even think "my friends" realized I left home.

     I shook my head from the thoughts about my past and focused on being in this present moment. We took bites from our food, enjoying the meal. My stomach hurts from laughing so much, it was hard to even enjoy my delicious plate. I held my arm across my stomach, clenching my teeth when I felt pain there when I'm trying to lean back in my seat, trying to get my stomach to not be in pain. "You okay?", his voice sounding gentle.

     "Oh yeah, I think I just ate too much, that's all." I fixed my hair and move it up to the side to get it away from my face. I reassured him with a smile, letting him know I'm okay.

     "Are you ready to go?"


     We both moved our chairs back. I unhooked my jacket from the back of my chair and slid my arms into the sleeves. Chase put the money inside the book where the receipt was printed. Chase walked away and after seeing how much the bill was, I was worried he was leaving such a huge tip down and he has so much left over change.

     "Don't you want to wait for your change?"

     He turned around, seeing that I lifted the book off from the table. He saw that I saw how much the bill was. I guess he didn't want me to worry about how much the whole meal course was going to cost and I guess before I was going to put money down for myself. "Don't worry about it. They did me a favor so it's the least I can do."

     "I wish I could just throw money around like that", I mumbled to myself.

      "Did you say something?" He asked.

     "No." I confessed after I put the book back down and caught up to where Chase was standing. I walked next to him as we exit ourselves from the building. "Have a good night", the hostess states as Chase opened the door for me. I must've felt a touch of skin on my arm because I took my other hand and rub it off my skin. That feeling, it was like lingering all over the inside of my body. Chase took his fingertips and held my fingertips as we walked towards his car. When we finally got to his parked car, I reached my hand out to pull the handle until Chase touched my shoulder and turned my body around where my back was against the door.

     "What are you doing?" I proclaimed.

     Chase moves closer to me, his fingertips gliding back to my fingertips, leaning his body closer to mine. He's not saying anything which got me worrying again. Was I rude when I asked that? He just took me by surprise when he sprung my body around, having me face him. Chase's forehead is slightly titled forward, touching my forehead, his eyes are starting to close and now, I know what this whole act is about. I closed my eyes, pretending this isn't happening and that this must be a dream. But it's not a dream, it's really is happening. His soft lips that I knew he had along with that perfect white smile of his crashes together with my lips, softly and lightly. a sweet kiss. He didn't pushed his lips so hard to my lips. It was sweet and lovely. First date. First kiss.

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