Sixty One

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@smileyriley: It's ok to be weird when you are being yourself

@rebelhart: @smileyriley AWW Riley you were so young

@geniusfarkle: @rebelhart Maya, we were there when that picture was taken

@smileyriley: @geniusfarkle I will never forget that day

@smartiesmackle: @smileyriley What's so special about it

@rebelhart: @smartiesmackle It's the day we went to our first middle school dance

@lucasfriar: @rebelhart When was the dance

@geniusfarkle: @lucasfriar It was in sixth grade and I took both of them

@smileyriley: @geniusfarkle I'll never forget it

@geniusfarkle: @smileyriley Me either, especially since Maya poured that whole bowl of punch on Mr. Hansen

@zaythegreat: @geniusfarkle Sounds like Maya

@lucasfriar: @geniusfarkle Why would she do that

@smileyriley: @lucasfriar Bc he separated Maya and I in class

@rebelhart: @smileyriley We were so far away

@geniusfarkle: @rebelhart It wasn't that big of a deal

@rebelhart: @geniusfarkle Doesn't matter, nobody separates me and my honey

@smileyriley: @rebelhart I love this

@lucasfriar: @smileyriley Love what

@smileyriley: @lucasfriar That we can all be ourselves around each other

@zaythegreat: @smileyriley Well of course we can

@smartiesmackle: @zaythegreat Because we are best friends

@geniusfarkle: @smartiesmackle No matter what happens

@lucasfriar: @geniusfarkle We'll always be together

@smileyriley: @lucasfriar Thunder

@rebelhart: @smileyriley Lightning

@zaythegreat: @rebelhart This is the best thing I have ever been apart of

@rebelhart: @zaythegreat Moment over

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