CHAPTER 15: A Few Weeks Later.....

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       It's been a couple weeks since Ashley has found out about not just us being mates but also the story about her parents.

       It seems though that after that night that I made it clear to her that I really wanted to be with her and not just cause we were mates, even though she did agree that she was going to try with me to make 'Us' work, she has still been making me work for it.

       In which I don't blame her and do in fact deserve it, for the way that I treated her in the beginning.

        As days went by, I began researching more about the prophecy and witches. In which I learned a lot of cool and interesting things. However, I also learned something about her kind.

       The more I researched and found out, the more interested it seemed I had become.

        I have tried really hard in putting effort into showing her that I am interested. However, I know she is still being cautious.

        Unfortunately, I need to start returning a lot of my attention towards finishing up my gym to make sure the grand opening will be on time.

        So lately, I have been going to the gym, in the office, as I notice that the workers are working really fast and might even have the place ready a week sooner than originally planned. I'm trying to get the papers and everything else ready, including the party to celebrate the grand opening.

        So today, I have been in my office since eight this morning and have been real busy going back and forth when I hear a knock on the door.

        "Come in." I reply.

        The door opens and as I look up, I notice it's Ashley and she's holding a couple of drinks and a bag.

        "Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She says.

        "No, of course not. In fact, I could use the break." I smile at her.

        "Well, I thought you might be hungry. So I brought us some burritos." She says.

       "Thanks. I'm starving." I tell her.

       She smiles and then takes a seat across from me and we start eating lunch together.

       "The gym is looking really good." She says.

        "Thanks. Yeah, it's coming along." I reply.

        We ate while sharing a brief moment of awkward silence.

         "I wanted to say that I'm sorry." She tells me.

         "For what?" I ask her.

         "For the past couple of weeks and how I've been acting towards you. I should've been following through with me trying to give this relationship a chance. But I haven't. And the reason I haven't is because of not you, but, well, you aren't the first Alpha I dated." She tells me while saying the last part a little hesitantly.

          "What?" I ask in confusion, but yet also, in a little bit of an upsetting tone.

          "Well, you see, I know that with werewolves, there's a mates thing. But at the time, I didn't understand really, what that meant. As far as I took the whole 'mate' thing as fate. It was when you loved somebody and they loved you back. But, I didn't learn what it truly meant and about the process until after it was almost too late." She stops herself.

          "What are you talking about?" I asked her in a more softer tone.

         She then takes in a deep breath and lets it out before continuing.

         "Well, I was dating an Alpha back when I was seventeen. He was my first boyfriend and I knew about my parents and always thought it was romantic, their story. Besides, I've always been fascinated with werewolves. Anyways, I thought things were going great. At least until one day he just snapped. After he returned from training camp or whatever you werewolves call it, he was different. He felt he had more power over me. Sometimes I wondered if he was challenging me. Wanting me to do a spell or something. Everyday, I would lie to my parents and try hard to cover up the bruises. I wasn't sure what to do. I mean sure, I could've cast a terrible curse upon him, but my parents taught me better than that. So, one day I just casted a horrible spell upon him. Caused him to be in the hospital for months. Then my parents found out from his parents what I had done, however, one of my good friends, she actually told my parents what he had been doing to me. My parents and I found out that his parents raised him to hate witches. In fact, their bloodline were always against our kind and the peace treaties my ancestors created. So you see, and not that it excuses my behavior towards you for these past couple of weeks. But, that's why I have acted the way I did. Here you've been trying to make it up to me for the times you weren't so great towards me. And I know you're genuinely trying. And I'm sorry for what I said to your parents that night at the dinner, about how you weren't capable of loving me. When the truth is, maybe I'm the one who's truly scared." She finishes as she stops herself and looks away to try and stop herself from crying.

         All I can think about is hurting whoever hurt her. No, fuck that, I would KILL them!

         I get up and walk over to the chair next to her and sit down facing her.

        I then gently place my hand on the side of her face and turn her head to look at me.

        "I promise. That not all Alpha's are like that. And I promise that I will never hurt you. It was true that I wasn't even sure if rather or not I was capable of loving someone, myself, but....but then, you came along and from the moment our eyes first locked with each other's, I knew then, EXACTLY what my parents and others had told me all my life, the feeling you get when you meet your mate." I assure her.

         We look at each other for a moment without saying or doing anything but looking into each other's eyes. Then she smiles at me with that beautiful smile and then we lean in and start kissing each other, passionately.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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